Chapter 6: New Recruits

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I woke up with Theo after his alarm went off. I stretched in the warmth coming from the window, and Theo sat up in the bed.

"What am I going to wear? They'll tell their boys and it will smell like Demon," I panicked.

"I have a new outfit I haven't worn yet, don't worry, and if anyone complains about them they will have to take it up with me," he reassured, puffing out his chest. I smiled and went into his closet. He grabbed an outfit in the dresser and I picked out clothes that never looked worn and threw them over my head. I've been using the same bra for at least 3 days. It sucked, but Theo was worth it. After awhile, we make our way downstairs and started breakfast. I could've never been happier being with Theo. I was actually didn't have to rush this morning, and I slipped out the back and onto the edge of the Angel border, while Theo did the same on his side. 1

We landed in front of the school and walked inside. We had to recruit members secretly, stay away from each other, and make it through the day without being caught. Lets get started.

We parted ways, and I went to my locker, got my belongings, and walked to 1st period. I looked at the people nearby, trying to decide if they would belong in the rebellion. Everyone just gave me a confused look, and I sighed as I took my seat. Blah blah blah. All wrong information, being censored greatly. I looked around, and noticed someone who I never noticed in a dark corner of the room. She instantly put her head down, avoiding my glare. She didn't look like a Supernatural I had seen before.
When the bell rang, I confronted the strange person.

"Hey, who are you? I've never seen you before," I lightly questioned.

"I'm no one," she whispered and ran away. I'll have to try again later. I met up with Theo in private at lunch.

"I've found a potential. How about you?" I asked.

"I found someone who is a mage. He's meeting us after school. " Theo said gladly. I gave  a quick smile, but didn't realize it would be such a long process. If only there was a way to do it faster.

"I'll see you later." I replied, and walked away.

The rest of the day was boring, and I saw the girl again.

"Hey! I have something to ask you," I tried to be friendly. She slowly scooted towards me, looking nervous.

"Meet me after school at this address." I slipped her a piece of paper.

"But it's in the Demon sector, aren't you an angel?" She questioned,  puzzled.

"Just come. All your questions will be answered." I walked away, hoping she would come tonight. I collected the rest f my stuff from my locker and took off. When no one was looking, I landed at Theo's house. I entered and saw him sitting on the couch, knitting his eyebrows.

"No need to be worried. We're going to get them to understand," I reassured him, and sat down. I then rubbed circles in his back, giving him a comforting hug. He hugged back, and didn't let go.

"Um, Theo, as much as I enjoy this, I kinda need to breathe." I squeezed out. He immediately let go and looked apologetic. The people were supposed to come later. We had time to ourselves right now. Theo was so stiff, I could move him like a doll. I didn't know why he was acting like this. With me, he easily got me on track.

I moved him from his sitting position and lied him on his back. As I did the same, he finally moved and put his arm around me. I smiled, his warmth seeping into my skin. He was so comfortable to cuddle with, I instantly fell to sleep with a smile on my face.

Ding-dong. I jolted from sleep, and Theo did the same. We quickly got prepared and I ran to open the door. This was it. What may be the 3rd and 4th members of  the rebellion.

When I opened the door, a look of disappointment crossed my face. It was just the Mage that Theo was talking about.

"You don't have to look so disappointed, what'd I do to you?" He scrutinized. He was hot, with black hair, blue eyes, and having some muscle, but he wasn't as hot as my Theo.

"Sorry, I just thought someone else was going to come," I explained. We stood awkwardly in the doorway until I realized we were wasting time. "Oh, come on in," I finally invited him. He walked inside and took a seat by Theo. I took a last glance at the patio, and closed the door.

"We brought you here," I started, gesturing at Theo.

"To join a rebellion." He huffed. The Mage's eyes grew, but then he went back to looking normal.

"I would love to," he answered confidently.

"How did you know-" I started, but he quickly answered.

"I can read minds. Don't you pay attention in Alchemy?" He looked concerned. I did vaguely remember a lesson on that.

"So, what do we do now?" I threw out there.

"We find a way to get a lot of members in a short period of time," he responded, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He was going to be the annoying brains of the operation.

"So, what we do is throw a party in my sector, Theo's, and yours. To signify that it has a hidden message, we put a symbol of the old leader, and we have more Supernaturals. You'll be surprised at how many people how also figured out the truth." The Mage explained.

"All of this information, and I don't even know your name," I chuckled.

"It's Nico." He answered seriously. As the room began to become awkward, we heard a knock on the door. I practically ran to it. I opened it up, and much to my surprise, it was the strange Supernatural I invited. 1

"I'm so glad you've decided to come! Please come in," I said with a smile. She walked in with a nervous look, and stood behind the couch.

"What's your name?" I asked, making sure I didn't mess up like last time.

"It's Chloe," she answered.

"Okay, Chloe, we are part of a rebellion that wants to change the government. Would you like to join us?" I tried, crossing my fingers.

"Really? I would love to! If you didn't know, I'm a Witch, a combination of a Mage and Demon." We all looked at her in surprise, both that see was a Witch and that she talked out loud.

"That's awesome, but how are you still around? Isn't you're existence banned?" I pondered to her.

"Well, both my parents are high in the government, and they threatened to quit if I couldn't exist. Sure enough, he gave in, and I'm here today." She explained.

"We are going to pass out flyers for a party tomorrow, would you like to help?" I changed the topic.

"Sure, you guys are the only friends I've known." She blushed and smiled. For the rest of the night, we shared and got to know each other. I looked into the life of a mixed family, and laughed at all of the happy stories. That could be me one day.

When it got dark outside, it was time for them to go. I wish I could get to know all the members of the future rebellion better, but it would take too long. I was happy that the rebellion was already growing.

"OK guys, it's been fun, but it's getting late." Theo informed them. Hesitantly, they walked out the door, and we sunk down onto the couch. +

"I didn't know it was going to be so much work making a rebellion," Theo sighed.

"But it's worth it," I smiled. Theo looked reassured, and spoke loudly.

"Lets have a party."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2018 ⏰

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