New life

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So two weeks have past since I moved here and so far so good I decided to ring the number the boy at the front desk gave me, turns out his name is Louis and he also lives in the building, well his parents own it actually. 

We have been on a few dates and we are getting along really well, last night he took me to a really fancy restaurant and there he asked me to be his girlfriend of course I said yes, we know so much about each other, but he does not know about he knows my friends died in a car crash just not how and that I was also in the car or stuff like that. 

He does know I have no family, and that I never really have, its quite funny really his parents kinda think of me as there daughter, they look after my and bring me around food if I ever need it, I don't like taking the things they give me. Don't get my wrong in not a ungrateful brat I just don't like depending on other people to look after me.

I am also starting school down here in a few days, no wait it's tomorrow, oh and I nearly forgot I have dyed my hair it is now Brown with a few blond high lights, I decided to change so no one would notice me from the news or anything and it has worked really well so far.

Oh and i have also changed the way I dress I kinda dress more slutty, no i'm not a slut it's just if I want my plan to work I need to do this I don't really like it but it could be worse, I don't were really short, revealing clothes just nicer and shorter clothes than I did before OK my style has not changed much just a little.

OK back to the here and now, right now I am planing my revenge, want to help? 

My planing is not going to well, so I'm just going to leave it for now, I decide to go on Facebook and see what people are up to. Not much OK, lets try twitter. Nope nothing still I suppose it would help if i followed more than 4 people, and it would also help if those 4 people were still alive. I decided to give up on Facebook and twitter and YouTube music videos.

Did you know that if you combine Twitter, YouTube and Facebook and put it all into one you get youtwitface! lol.

OK I'm sorry I just really had to say that, if you can't tell I'm board then your stupid. 

Since there is nothing to do I have now decided to go to sleep, yes sleep that amazing thing everyone needs, I am going to do it amazing I know.


Half asleep I drag my lazy ass out of bed and into my bathroom, I look into the mirror and scream. Then I realize It's just me "Mirror, mirror on the wall... What the Fuck happened?" I ask even though I doesn't give me a reply clearly its in shock too.

I strip down and jump into the shower only to realize its freezing and i jump out and wait for it to warm up, while waiting I dance around the place to warm my self up. (yes I'm dancing around naked got a problem it's my own house and no one else is here get over it.) A few minutes later I jump back in and have my nice warm shower.

after my shower I get dressed into a high wasted skirt that comes down to mid thigh, and a top that comes up to my belly bottom. I put on basic makeup and grab my bag, phone, wallet and keys and head out to my car to drive to school. First day whoop whoop. can you tell i'm excited, not.

I arive to school with 5 minutes till the bell is going to ring. I exit my car and everyone and I do mean everyone looks at me. You can tell that i'm the new girl as everyone else is in school uniform. Awesome. I don't care that people are stearing at me, it's kinda helping with my plan. 

I walk across the parking lot to the school building, some people call it doom I call it phase 1. Inside I find the school office just as the bell rings. The lady at the front desks looks up as she hears the bell on the door, who has a bell on a door in a school, people these days.

She gives me a look over "your going to need a uniform but I suppose I can give you one since you only have one year here and you live alone, you will need to were it tomorrow, what you are in today is fine. But next time were something that covers more skin, oh and you will need your looker key your locker will be number c195 and in the middle block, I will also print off your time table as I picking you have not looked it up jet."

She just kept rambling on and on with out giving me a chance to answer anything. A few minuter later she finished her rambling and handed me a pile of clothes, books, a key and what I'm guessing is my time table and with out another word she pushed me out the door.

OK, weired, now first thing first locker. It didn;t take me too long to find it just 7 or so minuter, i shoved everything in but my time table and the key and headed to my class. By the time I got there I was 20 minutes late great. 

As I walk into the room everyone looks at me, well that was kinda expected, I mean who wouldn't look if someone walked into a room? No one. The teacher shot me a dirty look and I handed her a slip saying I had just moved here. 

Don't you hate it when you knew and the teacher say tell us something about your self? Yea I do to. But as normal that is what the teacher said, hummmmm what to say, what to say, oh I know the perfect thing to say. "Hi, my name is Laura, I come, I fuck shit up, I leave, and that is all you need to know." I said looking around the room to see some people gulp and some shudder, you could just feel the tension in the air. Good.

Once again the teacher decided to speak "Okay Laura thank you for that, um please take a seat, there is one at the back beside Jake, Jake raise your hand." Stupid teacher there is only one free seat its not like i'm going to get lost. And yes if your wondering why the name Jake sounds fimalier, or if not I will tell you why.

He's the bitch who killed my best friends!

OK it's 11:44 pm and I should be asleep or cleaning my room lol but I am amazing and updated :) go me lol enjoy I hope.

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