help is on its way

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OK OK i know I'm like the worst person at updating ever but i promise i will get better just hang with me hope you like it.

That was the last I heard of Abby’s voice.

I just lay there thinking about it about everything that had just happened, it just kept replaying it’s self over and over in my head.

What had I done?

I had just killed my best friends.

Apart from the raw of the flames the only other noise I could hear was the piercing screams that came from Abby.

I couldn’t get the terrifying sound out of my head.

This was the worst thing ever. Having to listen to your best friend dye, and she didn’t dye a quick painless death no she died a long slow painful death. Olivia, Holly and Jess didn’t feel much when they died but Abby did she felt every second of her death.

And to know there was nothing I could do, god that was the worst thing ever.

I was screaming Abby’s name the whole way through her death until I heard her stop screaming.

At that moment my heart broke, for a while I just lay there I couldn’t do anything else.

So then I cried. It was all I could to, once the tears come they didn’t stop, I was terrified.

Because I knew that at that moment I my four best friends were dead. But I was still alive.

It was at that moment in time that I said to myself that no matter what happened I would make that basted pay, I would make him pay for killing my friends. And god help him when I find him because he will wish I never had.

I could feel the heat of the car because it was still burning around me, when all of a sudden it exploded.

There was this massive bang and I could see bit of the car landing places and burning the grass around where they landed. I could feel the heat around me but yet I still was not dying.

How is it possible to survive something like this? Surly it’s not normal how could my friends dye but I stay alive? Is that even possible? I mean it must be because I’m still alive but how.

Once the fire stopped burning I could see lights in the distance. My breath caught, this could mean I’m getting out of the burning rubble around me.

The lights were coming closer. It was a car there was a car coming to save me.

The car flew right past. And the worst part was that I couldn’t do anything to stop it all I could do was lay there and watch it leave and hope that they will turn around and come back.

You may say you know what it’s like to hope, wish, dream for something but it never comes true. You may say you know what it’s like to have your sprits crushed. But you never truly know what it’s like till your life depends on something then it is just ripped away like it was never there to begin with.

 Just as I was about to give up the car span around and came back. Was it real? Are they really coming back to me?

There were 6 of them in the car. The all jumped out and the woman quickly told the older girl to stay by the car and look after the kids. The girl was already on the phone talking to someone. I how I hope she is calling for help, for something like an ambulance, or anything that could be useful.

She was talking on the phone and looking after the children while the man and boy (who looked to be about 18 years old) ran over to the car, well now a pile of ash, and the woman she walked over to where jess was.

She kneeled down and I think she cheeked for her pulse. I knew she was gone but it still hurt when I could saw the sad look on her face as she stood up and walked over to where Holly was.

She did the same thing with Holly, now I could see the tears forming in her eyes as she walked towards the car. I knew they were all gone so why did it hurt so much when the lady found out they were dead. It was like someone put a little bit of hope into me, only to have it ripped out again moments later, I couldn’t watch her any more so I looked away.

The man and the boy where going through the ash when suddenly the man stopped. He must have found Abby. Once again I felt like my heart was ripped out. I knew it was her because Olivia was up near me more. I was just waiting till they found her because I knew I would have my heart torn out again only to have it replaced so I can live with this horrible nightmare hanging over me.

The man looked over to his wife and she said “that’s three dead, I wonder how many were in the car I hop....” she trailed off.

I guess she had found Olivia. I felt a lump rise in my throat as I let out a silent scream.

“What’s wrong dear” I heard the man say “four” she said in a quiet voice shaky “there are four dead”. And at that moment I knew she had to have found Olivia. That meant I was the only one left.

Fear settled in my stomach as I watched them from where I was held trapped, I hoped so bad that they would find me.

I hope that i can get out of this to kill that basted. He did not deserve to live.

The boy, he was staring at me, could he see me, did he know I was alive.

Yes he did he ran over to where I was and looked straight into my eyes. “Mum, dad over here I found a girl, she is still alive” I could hear the happiness in his voice as he called to his parents.

 As I looked over into the distance I saw flashing lights.

I knew then that help was on its way; all I could hope for now was that they were quick enough.

I saw one look of shear horror in the family’s eyes as they found me. They tried to get me out, they tried everything they could think of but I knew it was no good. I was stuck.

“You are going to be ok darling help in on its way just hold on we will get you out” the lady spoke with all innocence in her voice.

There was nothing that they could do to get me out. But that didn’t stop them from trying. God bless them.

I looked up into the boy’s eyes one last time wishing I could say thank you to him and his family, but for some reason I could not find my voice.

And with that my heart stopped.

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