New school, new friends!

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As Jake slowly raised his hand I could see many different emiontions cross between his eyes, first confusen, then relisesation, after suprised, and last scared. Thats right you should be scared. I made my way over and sat in my new seat and turned to face Jake who was looking at me like he has seen a gost "Hi, my name is Laura, your Jake right," I held my hand out to shake his "It's nice to meet you."

Slowly he took my hand in his, I could see a tatoo on his wrist, which I went to get with him when we were dating It was a bird flying through flames. The bird symbols freedom, love, success, soaring heights, peace, and a strong derire to break free. which is where the flames come in. the flames symbol life, passion, rebirth, wisdom, danger, desturction, transformation, and its symbols help to give a person's spirt direction by lighting their path.

We both had this tatoo on the same hand amd same wrist, I knew he saw mine "Wow cool tatoo, It the same as mine weird ae." He is confused right now, he can't rigure out if im the Laura he "killed" or not "Y-ye yea, w-we-eir-rd," aww its so cute when hes stutters he only ever does it if he is scaerd or nervious, and right now he is both.

The teacher has gone back to talking, so I start to dodle on my drwaing book, I know I'm the new student I should be listing to catch up since im behind everyone else, Bitch please Im smart, not being up my self or anything but It just comes to me, weired I know I have never studyed for a test before or ever done homework or anything like that.

"Laura are you even paying attencion to anything I have been saying," the teacher whos name I don't know asks me looking very anoyed, and once again all eyes are on me. "Yes mrs," I walked up to the board and started writing the nubers of pie that I knew while saying it out loud "3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510 58209 74944 59230 78164 06286 20899 86280 34825 34211 70679."

Now to some this just looks like a bunch of numbers, which is true because it is, but it is also what some people know as the first 100 numbers of pie. Yup I know the first 100 numbers of pie, why I have no clue. Blame my parents, ok don't I think its just because if I see or hear something I tend to remember it, sometimes its handy, others not so much.

I turn back around and walk back to my seat, not only do the students have there mouths hanging open but the teacher does too. "If you choose to close your mine, please choose to close your mouth aswell," all of a sudden everyone has there mouth close and are looking at me. againg really, WHY. Is this all these people can do stare, and I thought this was a smart school, woops.

"Umm well, yea thanks for that Laura, um good job. I um didn't realise you knew so many numbers of pie, but, arh well done?" The teacher said the last part as a question which I found highly amusing, the rest of the class was uneventful and I just doodled. After class everyone came up to me and inturced them selves and started asking questions, all while following me to my next class. 

I answered as many questions with as little possible answer as possible. The rest of the day was good I made many friends, and was invited to sit at the "popular" table, Lucky me. I also got invithe to a party tonight since its friday and all. All day long boys have been following me like lost puppys and girls are being too friendly trying to get on my good side hoping to become my friend.

It's quite funny really, but clearly my clothes are working, I'm getting the attention i need for this plan to work, I cough Jake and his mates looking at me at lunch, so I decided to go over and flirt a little with his mates, call me evil, but its really all his fault. 

"Hey guys, Its Jake right," I asked turning to him, "You going to induced me to your lovely friends," I asked in a sickly sweet voice while flipping my hair. I sat down in the only spare chair which was next to Jake and his lovely friend Steve.

"Hey Jake, can you please go and get me something to eat," I ask while leaning on his shoulder and breathing just below his ear. It's a massive turn on for him."Y-yea s-sure," he stuttered before going away. The power a female has. 

 "So which one of you are closet to Jake?" I have a feeling that none of them know what Jake has done, so the easiest way to get to him is by his best friend. Jake has always valued his friends, so by making his friend fall for me and spend more time with me, it Will hurt Jake. I know this sounds really mean but he killed my best friends, and tried to kill me I think he deserves it.

"That would be me," cutie sitting next to where Jake was spoke, no duh of course he would be sitting next to Jake, ok I think Jake said his name was Luke, no Levi, no umm I pretty sure it starts with a L, shit I will just ask "Sorry I have a really bad memory," Kidding lol "Whats your name again," "Na all goods I'm Brent."

Oh it doesn't start with a 'L' I was sure it started with a 'L', whoops. looking over to where Jake is I see him walking back over to the table, quickly I move over next to Brent, "So um would you be able to show me around the school I still don't really know my way around," I do that annoying think that girls do with there hair twirling it around me finger, for some reason guys fall for it, why i have no clue.

"Um Laura here you go," aww Jake is nervous, good he should be. Looking down I see that Jake has gotten me a salad, this is perfect. "There must be a mistake. You've given accidentally given me the food that my food eats." I like my meet but I will eat salad but Jake knows that 'Laura' does not like the whole 'girls only get salads' thing so now he sees that I'm more like Laura, "S-so-orry L-laura, I-I will go and g-get you something e-else," he quickly gabs my food and runs back, bumping into a few people as he goes.

"I was only joking, I didn't really mean it," "It's fine Laura he just a bit nervous because you look like his ex, she died just after he broke it of with her, It really hurts him because his brothers forced him to break it off with her, then she want and killed her self, but don't worry about it." Brent smiled sadly at me, So Jake says I killed my self Will.

 Sorry for not up-dating but I hope you enjoy :)


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