Chapter 3

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A/N: This is a warning, I changed some names, so you might wanna reread chapter 1 to make sure you remember the new names.

E/N: Pft ignore the warning. Names have been changed to Lynn and Len incase you've read this before I fixed it. Btw: A/N= Authors Note E/N= Editors Note


"Home." They said at the same time opening the door too their house. "Welcome back Lynn and Len!! You two act so grown up since you got into 4th grade." Lexie smiled welcoming them back. Lynn and Len stepped as far away from eachother as possible. Lexie froze then stared at them silently, "Are you two having a fight.." Lynn crossed her arms and looked away with a hmph. Lexie sighed, "Well, you are reaching that age... but try not to hate eachother, your family! Family shouldn't hate eachother." She pronounced the word family strangliy, but they both ignored it and ran their seperate ways. Lynn threw her shoes in her closet, "So mad at him, how could he bahave like such a jerk?!" She pouted and sat cross-legged on her bed staring at her closet mirror. Was it strange to rage at your mirror instead of reality? Maybe... most likely actually..

She sighed and fell back onto the bed and grabbed the sheets, Is it really a good reason to be mad at him though? She bit her lip, maybe I overracted just a little? I hope he doesn't hate me for it.. Lynn reached for her pillow and squeezed it wishing he wouldn't hate her.

"She shouldn't be mad with me. I mean, its not like I did anything bad right?! She has her friends and I have mine, wish she wouldn't get so mad with me.." Len muttered kicking a pillow across the room. She shouldn't be mad right? Its a stupid thing to argue about, wish she'd drop it already.. He raged and kicked his bedside table as it shook and the lamp threatened to fall off the stand. He placed a hand on it, steading it, then slammed his door shut. "For a twin, she doesn't act like me... more like the opposite."

"More like a mirror image then anything.." they both muttered at the same time. Len sat up, did his voice just sound like Lynn's for a second there? Weird... He scratched the back of his neck as their mom called both down. Quickly he opened the door and managed to get out without his "beloved" sister coming out at the same time as him. They both looked sad, "..Whats wrong?" he asked seeing their facial expressions. Lynn silently slid up next to him and noticed their faces as well. "We have to tell you something...shocking.." Nicki said kind of awkwardly. Len had an urge to share a glance with Lynn, but ignored it and waited for what they had to tell them.

"Y-you know how you asked why we all look like Vocaloids, Lynn?" Lynn nodded recalling. "Well its because we technically are. Rin and Len Kagamine are a part of us and we look like them because we technically are them. Its kind of confusing, but thats why we all look like them." Lexie explained to them as simple as possible. the last name automaticaly translated in both Lynn and Len's heads. "And that would mean... that...." She took a deep breath and stared into Lynn's oddly colored eyes, "Your actually a mirror image of Len..." Lynn froze and stood there wide eyed then finally spoke in a shaky voice, "So im technically not a real person? Just somebody based off of him?..." She gave a small laugh like she heard a slightly amusing joke, "Im based off of a boy.. so I'm just a copy... so then im technically a boy, and don't exsist." She raised her head, "I quit being his mirror image then." Nicki frowned at that comment, "It doesn't sound like the best thing, but you forget after awhile..-"

Her expression was unreadable even when he tried comforting her. He remained silent. Lexie looked briefly at her cellphone, then did a double take as her eyes flooded with fear and she showed Nicki. His expression mirrored hers as they turned towards the twins, "You two must live on, we...we might die... somebody is coming here to take us away because of Rin and Len, but we will always protect them. And.. and Lynn always protect Len, and Len always protect Lynn as if eachother's lives depended on that." She placed a hand on his shoulder, "Understand..." They nodded silently. There was a banging noise as Lexie grabbed them and pushed them into a closet, then locked the door as the front one burst open. A girl burst in with light brown curly hair up to the small of her back, wearing all pink with frills and a strange hat that made her look like a girly girl.

She grabbed Lexie and Nicki and they dissappeared. Lynn sat behind Len in the closet as he looked through the crack in the door at what was going on. Was it strange to have the urge to touch his face? Geez im pretty weird.. she smiled at her own thought and then her smile faltered as she heard the door slam. All she had heard was "Rin Len go!" and that was it. Suddenly her heart pounded so loud she thought everybody could hear it as her body tingled with a sudden warmth. Len seemed to have responded the exact same way as they both shared the strange sensation. Lynn moved her legs away, since they landed in kind of an awkward position.

"D-did you feel that?" he turned his head towards Lynn. She nodded slowly and stared at her shaking hands, even though the mysterious warmth had vanished, she felt strange inside still. She brought her hands up to her heart and pressed as she felt the beating go back to normaly pace. She met his eyes for a second and then looked away immidietly, they still disliked eachother.. but she didn't want to hate him anymore... He brought his hand up to his right eye, which was green, and touched it. She brought her eyes up to him when he suddenly removed his hand and stared at her, "Your eyes...are fully blue..." She froze, "Yours are too..." They looked away then suddenly turned back and Lynn flung her arms around him, "Im sorry Len!! I don't hate you! I'd die for you!" She sobbed as they embraced in the confined closet. "I'm happy to be your mirror image!" he quietly replied,"Thank you Lynn... I swear to protect you." they silently embraced with tears falling down onto both of them.


Lynn woke up suddenly and looked around at where she was. Looks like the closet.. Why was it so warm though? She only then remembered everything of the day before and realized she was laying against Len's chest. She could feel his heart beating slowly, supplying his body with blood. She pressed a hand against her own and wasn't surprised to find it beat in sync with his. Since she was after all, just a copy of him.... She pressed the light up button on Len's watch and saw it was 10:22 2031 2/21. Lynn remain still against his chest as she felt the beat get more normal as he started waking up.

"Nngh... Oh..morning Lynn, sleep okay?" he asked removing his hands from their hug that had remained the whole night. She nodded, "Er, what about you considering I slept on top of you.." he shrugged, "Your not that heavy.." Lynn pushed on the door of the locked closet, but it wouldn't budge. Len tried as well as she finally just kicked it with all of her might. It burst open and they got out. "What should we do?" 

"We should go to Jeanzelle and Al's house considering Mom and Dad might be dead or never come back.." he trailed off. Lynn's eyes sparkled as if she was about to cry, then she wiped them and nodded. "Okay..I'll call her with the house phone.." he nodded and went off to upstairs. She grabbed the back of his shirt as he stopped, she stared at him,"Will we be okay?" his expression softened and he smiled, "Yes. Because were their children and were together."

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