chapter 2 ✨

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  "life's winners accept that in trying, they may have to adjust and even start again and again. "
                                            -bill Fitzpatrick
    What is a new beginning? It is putting an end to an undesirable event and introducing constructive changes that should lead to better results in whatever area of life you may have failed. It is moving from a sad past into a bright future,from the floor to the top, from the tail end to the forefront. But it does not just happen. Every event is invented by someone, Every thing that ever get done is done by somebody. "for every house is builded by some men.... "if you want a new beginning, you must create it. Whatever has existed in your life before now that looks like failure, set back, confusion, depression or oppression will only come to an end when you take steps to create a new beginning. Rather than struggling and fighting the present, focus your energy on creating the new.

     Stop waiting!

    You don't wait for a change, you create the change that you desire. Most people claim that they are waiting, not knowing that they are wasting without knowing! The longer you wait doing nothing, the more failure overtakes you. I believe God created days, weeks,months and years is for demacation, so that we can have the opportunity of a fresh start, to change or improve on the previous. God is a God of New beginnings, every waking day, He gives us the opportunity to push the mistakes and failure of yesterday behind us and embrace the bright future that is set before us. Why do we have the night? It is so that you can sleep over the failure of the day, and wake up with a fresh mind for greater achievements. Why do you have the sun rising every 24hours? It is to give us hope that you are face to face with a new  opportunity.

      No matter how bad your has been. There can be a new beginning for you! There are people whose life and business have been emptier than yours, but they are now employers of labor. The fact that you are sleeping on a mat today does not mean that the end has come for you. There was a time I slept on a bench for months, but I am no longer there, the story is different now because I was determined to find a way out and create a new beginning for yourself, your life remains in choas and confusion.
       Have you ever ask yourself, why is it that not everybody is affected by global economic recess? Why are some business or churches increasing while other are diminishing? The difference is that some are creating a way out of no way, while others have accepted their circumstances as the end of the road. You may see failure all around you, but don't let it get to you. You create a new beginning for yourself.

    Stop wishing for a wonderful job, create one for yourself! Rather than fold your hands, waiting for that crisis in your home to stop on its own, you can create the sweet home that you desire. You can't afford to wait for accidental occurrences, rise up and put an end to failure in your life! Create the success that you desire!

   Accept responsibility ⭐

  Creating a new beginning places responsibility on you, the responsibility of freeing yourself from the past and taking steps to achieve something better than what you have lost, the reponsbility of sincere and readiness to make necessary amends and improvement. Until you accept responsibility for your life, you making excuses and looking for scapegoat to blame for everything that happens to you. And those who constantly look for who to blame remains lame.
So, to recover from a fall, you must accept responsibility. Accept your responsibility for your success or failure in life. The reason many people remain in failure is because they are not willing to accept responsibility. I have seen and heard of men who made their way out of terrible circumstances of life into greatness. Just because they accepted responsibility for their lives. Somebody said, "It is easy to dodge our responsibility but we cannot dodge the consequences of our responsibility. "
People may have been responsible for the evil that happened to you in the past, but you are responsible for your future. Someone might have gained access to your past and destroyed it, but no one has access into your future.   No one is the reason for your being on the ground! Stop talking about One witch somewhere or somebody who hates you and does not want you to succeed. You know, the best the whole world can contribute to your making or unmaking is 25percent.  The remaining  75percent is made up of your personal input. So, it is only what you allow that prevails in your life. Can you see then that you are your greatest enemy and your greatest friend? Rise up and accept responsibility for your life! If you disallow around you, it cannot prevail over your destiny .
   Even if you have been rejected and cast away by your family, refuse to blame anybody, rather push the experience behind you and accept responsibility for your future. Some people blame their age,their parents, spouses or children for where they have found themselves in life. That is lazy man's mentality. Like I said earlier, every event in life is created by someone, nothing happens by accident. That means no man succeed or fails by accident. Success respond to acceptance of responsibility, while failure result from lack of it.

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