Think of a sunflower seed u plant and nurture. That seed was programmed by nature to be a sunflower. Don't even think about trying to make it into a pumpkin or a was programmed to be a sunflower,and that's the end of it.
Some of us were programmed at very early age to behave a certain way. Maybe part of ur programming tell u that u are not very smart, and u believe it and ur actions bear it out. You might have a learning disorder, but maybe u simply have faith programming. After all, there are many with serious learning disorder who were programmed by loving parents and caring teachers to believe they could overcome their barriers and they did.
The key to riding urself of this attitude of helplessness is to clear ur mind of negative inner conversation and replace them with more hopeful messages. You can reframe ur perspective by changing and controlling ur inner dialogue. The longer negative thought are allowed to churn in ur mind, the greater the emotional buildup and the potential damage. If u don't recognize and treat it you could face ur psychological equivalent of pneumonia, depression.
We like to think that our attitude are affected by what people do and say to us, but in reality, it is how we present ourselves that has the greatest influence on how we present ourselves to the world.
The loudest and most influential voice u hear is ur own inner voice, your self critic. It can work on u or against u depending on the messages u allow. It can pessimistic or optimistic. It can wear u down or cheer you on. You control the sender and the receiver, but only if u consciously take responsibility and control of ur inner conversation.
creating a new beginning
Acakobviously nobody likes to fail. yet one stage or other in life, we have all experience failure. if you have fail many times that you have resigned to fate, this book is what you need to process your failure into success.