1. The greatest reward you can receive in life is the joy of success from your own achievement, it is a reward you personally deserve and can only be given to you by yourself
2. The difference between 'somebody' and nobody is reputation. Be known for somebody great in your class and then you will be a somebody not a nobody or anybody
3. The hardest rock will yield to those who drill with determination
4. The big secret in life is there is no big secret. Whatever your goal is you can get there if you are willing to work
5. Knowing what you want is good but it's better to know what to do to get it
6. Being strong is not about being rich and on top . Is about having courage to change the world with what you have and also stand confidence and strong doing it
7. There is no one else like you in the entire world. You are the original of yourself. Appreciate what makes you unique and use it in your best effort to get the greater results you desire
8. Studying is a mind game if your mind is absent you lose the game
creating a new beginning
Acakobviously nobody likes to fail. yet one stage or other in life, we have all experience failure. if you have fail many times that you have resigned to fate, this book is what you need to process your failure into success.