the call to adventure

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No one is born into a perfect life.if you were, you wouldn't have anything to strive for,ad you wouldn't have any dreams at all whatever circumstances you were born into, whatever family life and education you had or didn't have, you came here to make your dream come true, and no matter where you are now, you are fully equipped with everything you need to do it.

It's not the condition of the outside world that determines whether or not your dreams will be fulfilled. It's not how much money you have,how educated you are,who you know or even how much you experience you have. It's the discovery of the abilities you have within you and knowing how to use them to overcome any and every obstacle you meet in the outside world.its what every successful person did , and you can do it.
By realizing your dreams, you will realize the greatness in you.greatness is not being born with a sliver spoon in your mouth.following your dreams and realizing the hero within you is greatness .

Material things are wonderful,and experiencing them is one of the greatest pleasure of living on earth, but through the conditioning of the society we can be misled into thinking that the accruement of material things is this purpose in life. If material things we're the purpose of life they would provide true happiness,fufillment,and satisfaction,and we'd never need to buy another thing.the happiness we feel when we get those things wouldn't be fleeting but would be everlasting.
If material things we're the purpose in life ,we would be able to take them with us when we leave. You would outside to get a paper in the morning and see that old man Joe's house across the street disappeared because he took it with him. We can't take material things with us because they are not who we are, while they are part of the joy of living on Earth, they are not the purpose of our life.
We All need food,shelter, and clothing,but the pursuit of material things for their sake alone Rob us the freedom to live a truly fufullibg life. Don't let the tail wag the dog by making security and the pursuit of material things the purpose of your life instead of following your dreams over security, you will have it all, material riches and a rich fufullibg life.
Don't get to the end of your life and regret all the things you didn't do.your life is precious.if you sell yourself out you won't find the happiness you desperately seek, Because true happiness comes from fufulling your dreams. Imagine what it would be like to get to the end of your life with no regrets.imagine reflecting back on everything you did, and you are filled with the greatest feeling of satisfaction

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