1-The Man in Yellow

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      Lacey, Owen, Wyatt, and I were walking home from school (like usual). 

    "Hey it's Friday,there is no homework and we were all invited to this bomb party at Christine's!"  Wyatt cheered and Lacey rolled her eyes at his comment.

"Yea but-" Lacey started but her mouth dropped and pointed to a blue wormhole type vortex. 

"Big,bad,blue,hole" she said backing up,her voice shaking

Before we could run back a yellow figure rushed out of the darkness and grabbed us four with such great speed it knocked us all out.


I woke up with a gasp to see Owen,Lacey,and Wyatt already awake looking around to see a grey room with dots sticking out of the walls.  I stood up and walked towards Owen.

    "Where are we?" I asked curiously. 

    "Do you think I know" Owen said sarcastically.

    Before I could inject a sarcastic remark,a part of the wall opened up and the same figure that  came through the creepy blue hole came through.  We all got in our fighting stances.

"No,no that will not be necessary" the man said with a distorted voice  "This is how things are going to work-"

"Why would we listen to you" Wyatt said stepping forward a little in front of Lacey.

"You are definitely going to listen to me children" he continued "You are going to stand outside of S.T.A.R at ten o'clock in three days.  I am going to graciously give you housing and a training facility.  There you will train and become better fighters"

"And what happens if and when we don't comply" I replied. 

"I will go back to your Earth kill all of you,your family,and destroy your beloved city" he said sternly.

"What do you mean,our Earth?" Lacey asked .

"There are multiple Earths. But they vibrate at different frequencies  so they can't see each other." The man said.

It was dead silent as we absorbed that mind-blowing fact.  We all shared glances all knowing each other's answer.

"Fine" Lacey said annoyed "We'll play your game,I like games anyway". 

Before I could shove Lacey for her usual strange remarks,I felt a small pain in my neck and fell to the floor, passing out.


Lacey's P.O.V


I woke up rubbing my neck to see the rest of my friends still passed out on the ground.  I took in my surroundings to find we were in a gigantic modern penthouse apartment.  I walked around the apartment to find five bedrooms, a kitchen, a training room with top of the line equipment, a library, and a living room where Wyatt, Zoey, and Owen were surprisingly still passed out.  I sighed and walked into the fully stocked kitchen and grabbed a grabbed a granola bar and then grabbed a pen from a drawer and walked over to the group of snoozing teenagers.  I knelt down and scribbled all over Wyatt's face, wrote 'I'm stupid' on Owen's forehead,and drew unicorns on Zoey's face.  I smiled at my work and went back to snooping around the house.  I opened a drawer in my room that I had just claimed as my own and found a coach wallet with cash,a smart phone, and a debit card with the four digit access code on a sticky note behind it.  Before I had a chance to take in my new stuff I heard my name being yelled full of anger and annoyance.

    "Lacey you're dead!"

     "I'm what now?" I asked walking into the living room seeing Wyatt and Owen laughing on the ground and Zoey standing with her hands on her hips glaring at me.

"You're dead" she repeated

"Wow that's funny,you think you can kill me" I said laughing "Okay,okay everyone go choose your room. Mine is the one with the light grey walls"

"Fine, you have survived another day" Zoey said smirking.


We got settled in and decided to go out and explore the city.

    "Wow this Earth is so cool!" Wyatt cheered.

    "Come on you think everything is cool" Owen said shoving Wyatt.

    "Wait! We don't have clothes,I need more options than just this!" I exclaimed gesturing to my outfit.

    "Oh my gosh,you are so right!" Zoey agreed "Okay let's split up,boys you can go together and us girls will go together. We will meet back at the apartment at eight,so you have four hours to do your thing.  Okay?"

    Everyone nodded their heads and walked opposite directions.


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