3-He Got his Tight Pants on

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Wyatt POV

My eyes opened to the song Poker Face playing and shot up out of bed. I looked around to see an empty lab. I stood up and grabbed the shirt that was on the edge of my bed and put it on.  As I began to move towards the doorway I heard voices coming from down the hall.

"So Lacey when you went all possessed and shot me across the room I noticed that the mass kind of looked like a vine or a plant of sorts."

"Lacey we should probably run some tests on that as soon as possible."

The group of people walked into the doorway and rushed towards me.

"Wyatt you're awake," Owen said coming towards me.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"Nine months," A man in a wheelchair said, "I'm Docter Wells and this S.T.A.R Labs."


"What's taking Barry so long" Zoey complained to Lacey, who just patted her shoulder and rolled her eyes used to Zoey's impatience.

I looked at them for a quick moment, which Owen caught me on.

"Wyatt? Why were you looking at them? Do you like one of them?" Owen interrogated.

"No, they're our friends" I replied maybe too quickly.

"Suuureeee," Owen said.

I rolled my eyes at him and looked back over to the other S.T.A.R Labs RV to see Barry walking out the door.

"How does it fit?" Cisco smirked.

"It's a little tight" Barry replied stiffly walking down the stairs.

"He got his tight pants on" Lacey whispered to us.

We all held back our laughter and looked to see Cisco walking over to us and Caitlin talking to Barry.

"Okay, so after we see what Barry can do we are going to take a look at Lacey, Zoey, Owen, and Wyatt to see if you all have special abilities," Cisco said happily.

Barry got into a running position shot off down the runway.


But just as he was getting started he crashed into a pile of water jugs, causing an explosion.

"Oh boy speedy got a boo boo," Lacey said trying to make light of the situation.

Barry ran back to us and Caitlin took him to get a brace for his hand which he injured in his crash.

"Lacey," Cisco called "you're the next victim"

Lacey POV

I walked up to where Barry began. I closed my eyes and felt the cool breeze flow around me as the energy flowed through my veins. I crouched down and put my hand out and imagined a small vine grow from the ground. I opened my eyes to see a small flowered vine emerge from the ground. I smiled at my little creation, but then I quickly lost control sending a gigantic vine whirling out of the ground, destroying some of the concrete. I then regained control after being flung back twenty feet by the plant, deteriorating it instantly. I fell to my knees from all the strength it took out of me. I looked around at my friends and all of their mouths were wide open.


"That's incredible"


"I can't wait to think of your superhero nickname."

I smirked and walked back to the group. "So, what do you think"

"I think you have great potential Ms. Price," Dr. Wells said wheeling closer to me.

"I'll say" Zoey chuckled "My turn nerds."


Yes, this is VERY short but we(I write this story with @faithlindmac ) wanted to update asap. Because we haven't updated since OCTOBER...jeez.  sorry for anyone who has been waiting for us to update. I've been focusing on my other stories and we are trying to spend more time for this story. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2017 ⏰

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