Chapter Four

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Will paced, it was a bad habit he had inherited from his father. V hates it. He thought, so he stopped. He was standing in the alley between Zaycott's General Store and V's abandoned warehouse. Eddie had told him V had left over an hour ago, she should be back soon – otherwise he would go looking for her. You never know what kind of trouble that girl can get herself into. Will went back to his pacing; it was comforting to watch his feet trace the same steps over and over again.

The vague sound of footsteps reached his ears – just someone on the neighbouring streets. Except the noise was getting louder – Will stopped pacing, just in time to be barrelled over by a running figure. Will landed on the damp ground face up. There was someone on top of him, someone who squeaked when he tried to shove them off. Eventually, Will managed to squirm out from under the opposing force. He brushed specks of dirt off his already tattered coat, finding himself face to face with... he should have guessed.

"Jesus, V! Look where you're going!"

V looked at him from under her eyebrows. Those speckled brown and blue eyes of hers wide with mild annoyance, her lips pressed into a firm line.

"What are you doing here? Again." V asked, hands on her hips.

Will decided not to let her have the satisfaction of knowing he was worried about her, that would just push her away even more.

"I came to get my coat." He said matter-of-factually. V relaxed a little, "Alright than, come in."

V walked past him into the establishment. Will was a little confused, and stunned. He was expecting a little more anger after his hasty departure last time.

Will followed V inside; she was already removing her coat and pouring a cup of tea for Clara. Will watched her work; she seemed to be in a much better mood than yesterday, almost... happy. V caught him smiling at her, "Well get your coat than, it's right where you left it."

V's voice broke his stupor and he ambled over to where he had left the article beside the fire. "What's got you like this?" Will asked.

"Just a minute, wait 'til Eddie gets here." She was positively bubbling over with excitement trying to keep her little secret in.

Eddie came around the corner. V pulled him over to the fire, Will remained seated while the younger boy stood with V – who still held his forearm tightly.

"What's all this about?" Eddie asked, trying to wiggle his arm free of V's death grip.

"I had a meeting with a doctor today, at the hospital," She said, ignoring his attempts at escape, "he's agreed to admit Clara and try to find her a cure." V burst out the last words.

"How will you pay for such a treatment?" Will stood. He was a little sceptical of the news – it was simply too good to be true.

"I'm not paying; it's a favour from a friend."

Will noticed she failed to mention how she knew said friend.

"I'm to bring Clara in as soon as I can. Let's get a move on. The sooner the better."

V began gathering blankets and food for Clara at the hospital. Eddie extinguished the fire, Will sat Clara up, then wrapped his coat around her, along with several more blankets. V shoved all their belongings into a rough satchel.

Clara began coughing again, she was barely coherent. Their mission's urgency apparent, the team of misfits headed out onto the streets.

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V forgot about the strange stalker – main streets would get them to the hospital faster. Without question, Will had picked up Clara and was carrying her, but it was slow work – it would take hours to reach the hospital at this pace. Once they reached a larger street, filled with vendors, families, and buggies Will put Clara down.

"What are you doing?!" V couldn't believe him, this was urgent and they'd barely been walking ten minutes.

"Hang on a minute..." Will ignored her. He waved a buggy down on the street.

The driver seemed to nearly change his mind when he got close enough to see who his possible charges where, but decided any young miscreants who hailed down a mode of transportation where surely able to pay – even if it probably was stolen payment.

Will spoke to the driver. This was going nowhere. V massaged her head; this day had been going great until Will had shown up. Sure he was helping – he was the only one strong enough to carry Clara. V herself might have been able to, if only for a short while.

Will produced a small cloth bag from an inner pocket of his coat. He shook the bag; the unmistakeable sound of clinking coins came from within. Will opened the bag for the driver to see, and then promptly shut it in his face. V was wary, and more than a little confused. Where did he get all those coins? A threat permeated Will's face and the driver nodded. V understood – get us there fast and these are all yours.

With payment readily available and an eager charge, the driver hopped down to help Will get Clara settled in the buggy. Will motioned for Eddie and V to get in. The younger boy climbed in excitedly. Will extended his hand, which V ignored. She was back to being mad at him, and a little cautious. Something was strange about him, she could feel it. While Eddie looked around eagerly and Will made sure Clara was comfortable, V stared out the window, she was back to being mad at Will, but she wasn't exactly sure why. Was it the way he always knew more than her? Or how he had that much gold with him – nobody could steal that much all by themselves.

I guess we all have our secrets.

• • • • • • • • • •

The buggy driver rode his horses as fast as he could; there was a lot in it for him. That young man had enough money to feed his family for a month. He had promised the entire bag if he could get them there fast and without causing too much discomfort. Not many people promised a tip, most skimmed his pay quoting, "you drove recklessly". This must be an urgent matter.

The driver pulled up in front of the hospital. Confident he deserved his bonus, he was about to jump down to help his young charges down (to prove he wanted the bonus) when the young man with the money jumped out and began helping the others down. Before long, they were all out of the buggy. The girl now carried the bundle of blankets. The young man tossed the bag up at him, minus one large gold coin.

"A little bumpy." He said roughly, holding the coin in the other hand. He pocketed another few days' worth of food then turned and joined his friends.

Strange fellow. He thought. He got the feeling this was not someone to mess around with.

Shaking off the feeling, he whipped his horses into a trot, time to head home, but not before buying a nice large cut of beef, a fresh loaf of bread and some exotic fruits down at the wharf. They did so deserve a hearty meal, and his wife yearned to try the sweet taste of oranges.

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