Chapter Twenty-Four

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Will leaned shakily on her arm. Even weeks later, he still wasn't quite strong enough to support himself. He was still thin and all his clothes hung off him in volumes, but that was just an incentive to grow stronger every day. His raggedy hair had been carefully cut by V only a few days earlier. She had pushed him to move on from his imprisonment, from V's near death, and from Nick...

And here he stood, leaning on V for support – he refused to be seen with a cane – waiting outside the Queen's private quarters.

After what seemed like an eternity, the two were admitted inside.

This wasn't Will's first time inside Queen Victoria's private quarters, but it was V's, and so Will watched her expression as they entered. She had taken on a new role in the past few weeks – she had become much more headstrong. She had been the only one who had been able to get him to eat after the trial. She had practically yelled at him to get up and do something. Her secret smiles had lured him into walking in the garden every day, getting his strength up. She was much more like... him.

V was in awe, as he himself had been the first time he had seen this magnificent room. They

were in the Queen's drawing room; elegant deep red walls outfitted with gold finishing, matched the exotic wood flooring perfectly. A set of cream settee's and ornate chairs faced a luxurious fireplace, embers still burning from the previous fire.

The room gave off an air of sophistication, yet still retained a humble feeling of home. It was comforting.

"William" Queen Victoria emerged from an adjoining room, "Violet." She nodded at each visitor in turn.

Both stood stock still – V because she had no idea how to react to the Queen of England, and

Will because he couldn't fully walk without V's assistance.

"Sit, you must be very tired." She nodded at Will, and he knew that she knew exactly how he was feeling.

V helped Will down onto a cushioned chair before seating herself on the settee closest to him. A maid brought a tray of tea and cakes and placed it on the side table. She motioned for them to help themselves. Both visitors were hesitant, but the Queen insisted. Will took a small plate of cakes and poured himself some tea, adding three lumps of sugar. The Queen came over and sat next to V, whom Will could tell was very uncomfortable with all of this.

"William, you really should drink that." Victoria pointed at his tea, "It will make you feel much better."

Will took a sip as instructed, and found it to be true; the tea was warm and smooth. It trickled down his throat and he could feel the warmth spreading throughout his body.

"I am very glad you were released free of charge William. I do not know what I would have done having a man of my court imprisoned, or transported." The Queen said in a weirdly casual way. She sounded tired and stressed.

"And you, Violet Claymore," V's eyes widened, and yet she still didn't utter a word, "yes I knew all along." The Queen continued, "I figured you had your reasons." A twinkle in her eye told Will she knew of his midnight prowls as well. "I pray you are healthy again? Recovering from a gunshot wound is nasty business, though I haven't experienced it personally."

"Yes, thank you Your Majesty. I am doing quite well." V answered quietly.

"And I hope you two won't be causing much trouble anymore?" Victoria asked hopefully. "Your Majesty?" V finally piped up, "What happened to Richard Gellentry?"

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