I wore a marijuana hat to school

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October 6
So today I wore my brother's marijuana beanie to school. It was a simple black beanie with a gold marijuana leaf stitched on the front. So I wore it to school (I was surprised to find out that my High School doesn't give a rat's ass if you wear a hat inside, remember I'm a freshman) and the whole day

And I mean


I didn't get in trouble for it

Hell no one noticed that it was a marijuana leaf

Then advisory came along

And my advisory teacher who's a pretty chill dude asked "Is that a marijuana hat"

I made a face like: "Oh Fuck", I slowly took the hat off and said "No..."

He didn't yell

He didn't even take the hat away

He just said "I don't think you should wear this again"

Thank god he was chill


That's was my brother's hat

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