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I blink my eyes as sunlight crept beneath my purple blinds. At least, I sigh, its not the annoying buzz of the alarm clock strategically kept close to my sensitive ear. I push back the sheets, slide my feet into my slippers and shuffle towards the bathroom. Its a routine thing, grab brush, grab paste, squeeze, brush etc.

After I placed my brush in its usual place, locks of hair fell across my face: the ones I happened to dye Blue. I tucked them in behind my ear and looked at my reflection. I wasn't overly pretty, just mildly presentable, wide bluish-gold eyes, lightly pointed nose, pink thin lips. I shrug, feeling self conscious, I step into the shower. After what felt like 30 minutes I come out, dry my hair and dress for school.

Now, I'm not weird, I'm not goth, I just kinda stick out from the crowd with my mostly blue hair and the dark eyelids.

I stroll into the kitchen and nod a good morning to my foster parents. The Fuzzy Lights above their heads glowing pink. They manage me to be honest, I don't talk much, but as far as I don't have tattoos or bad grades and the like, we're cool. I rinse out my bowl and place it on tge rack to dry.  After cereal, I muttered goodbye, hopped into the car I was bought on my 18th birthday party, two years after IT happened. I slowly drive out of my street, noting the fuzzy lights above peoples heads. Its worse in school, especially after school, when everyone is going out, and above their heads is Unicorn Vomit ( that's what I call a Rainbow).

I slowly drag myself to class, pulling on my gloves. People often stare at my hands, curiously, even after all this time.  Once a weirdo, always a weirdo.
I'm not disturbed though. I walk in to Biology early, "Good Morning, Ms. Gordon" Mr. Winslow said facing the board. Above his head is a deathly grey  "Are you alright? You don't look so well." I reply.
He turned, "Why yes? How did you know?"

"I just guessed" I lied, if only you knew.

I settle at my seat behind the jocks, it amazes others, how I manage to be on honors roll despite being behind the jocks. I roll my eyes and fish into my bag
as Mr. Winslow begins.

After forty five minutes of biology, the bell goes and the entire class heaves a sigh of relief. A brief stop at my locker for a change of books and I'm on my way to English, the only class where I sit in the middle of class and Take off my gloves, because Mrs. Stein insists I do, I have minimal body contact in English. I hear my name and I turn and see my best friend, one of them anyway,  Lana, walking over, we are nothing alike. She's a cheerleader, highly popular and beautiful, while I am just me. Ella Gordon. I smile and stare slightly above her head, its pink. Good mood.

" Hey" she slightly pushes me. I smile " I'm off for English though" she nods "I know, just wanted to tell you I'm sitting with you for lunch and I heard that there's a new boy in school"

I smile "Okay" she turns on her heel and bounces away. I shake my head and push open the class door, arranging everything I need on my seat, I slowly pull off my gloves, watching the reaction of the drama queen close by, I have beautiful nail art, and I watch the lights above her head turn from pink to a sick green, Jealousy, I think with a smirk. Mrs. Stein comes in and subtly check my hands, she smiles and turns to the desk.

Halfway through class, the door opened, I look up, wondering who it was and secretly hoping there was and crisis that would turn today into a halfday. I hated distractions during English. It was a boy, like 19, rough guess. CUTE!!! My breath hitched in my throat and he locked eyes with me. I return my gaze to my book, feeling heat climb up. "Ah, Mr. Jack Lumley" Mrs. Stein says "Welcome to Brookesfield High". He surveys the class and sits behind me. The Drama queen, rather Tiffany Chesselmyer gave him the look. The class went by quickly and I gave a breath of relief as I exited class,

"Ella" Norris McKinney called running toward me, my other best friend.  It was very odd looking at I and my BFF's: The Cheerleader, the Nerd and The Oddball. He waits patiently while I put on my gloves, somehow he's the only one who has never questioned my gloving  (glove loving)  then he gives the scientific issue at hand: some mind boggling paradox that contradicts the laws of motion. Someone bumps past me and I gasp, not because its Jack, but because I don't get the jitters and the flashbacks. I turn, there's no aura (the lights above his head). Norris checks him out warily then walks off to catch up with the other Geeks. I turn for Art, my most loved class. I'm most relaxed in Art.

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