The return of The Marauders and Lily

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For the rest of the trip, Icelyn slept soundly on Sirius' shoulder, who, not surprisingly, was constantly teased by the rest of his friends.

Sirius noticed that she looked half starved, and forced a chocolate frog down her throat. She had woke up with a start, and tried to eat the frog, almost barfing as she did so. After she had finally demolished the frog, she glared hard at Sirius, who blushed at and looked down.

When they finally arrived at Hogwarts, Icelyn noticed that Lily was nowhere to be seen. She found it hard to believe that she was lost in the crowd, mainly because her hair made her stick out like sore thumb. But her worries were soon eased, as she found her with professor Mcgonagall, nodding furiously. Curiosity gripped her like an anchor, and she hurried past the other students. "Hey Lils," she said happily, giving a little wave.

"Ah, Ms Tremaine. Just the person I wanted to see," Mcgonagall said, smiling at the girl.

Frowning, Icelyn then turned towards the professor, "am I in trouble, miss?"

Mcgonagall gave her an amused expression, "trouble? Never. You're far to cautious to be in trouble. Now, I have already talked to ms Jones, who declined, and ms Evans who said yes. Now, I am giving you one chance for this. Would you like to go a year above your level? You are an extremely talented young witch."

"I'm very sorry, professor, but I'm going to have to decline the offer. I would like to complete all seven years I have here at Hogwarts. If it's not too much to ask," she declined politely, smiling.

"Ahh, I understand. Your other friends should be waiting for you. Go on, now!" The ageing woman smiled graciously, and with a curt nod, she walked off into the crowds.

Lily turned to Icelyn, "why didn't you say yes? You're brilliant at spells tests."

Icelyn smiled, "just because you're good enough to move on, how do you know you missed something?"

Lily nodded, "true, but-"

"Lily," she said kindly, smiling, "my decision is final. Besides, what about Alice, Marlene, and Mary? What are they going to do without me?"

Lily sighed in defeat. "Well, if you must. I'll see you at school," she gave a little wave before running off.

When Icelyn got to the feast, she immediately searched for the Marauders, finally spotting them. "Hey, guys," she smiled, her tinkly voice growing louder as she came nearer.

"Ah, Ice! Thought we missed you!" James and Sirius said together, as Sirius patted the seat next to him. The girl smiled gratefully, before sitting down.

"Another year!" Dumbledore exclaimed, scaring the blonde girl, and rolled her eyes when Sirius chuckled. "Another bliss year. To those who are new; Welcome! To those who have been; Welcome back! As you know, Voldemort-" the old, wise, man was cut off by people gasping as he said the name, "is roaming around. So please, do be carful. Any who, I will say the last two words. DIG IN!!"

"Well that took a dark turn," Icelyn muttered to no one in particular.

"True," James agreed, upon hearing her.

"Its terrifying, the fact that we don't know who's family is going to get killed next." Remus said nodding as he took some steak.

Icelyn and the rest of her friends nodded as she poured some gravy on her mashed potatoes, chicken, and peas. She discreetly smirked to herself and grabbed her wand. She mumbled two words and a large bang was heard in the large hall. In the sky were seven words: "THE RETURN OF THE MARAUDERS AND LILY." And that's when the whole school knew that they were back; and only to cause trouble.

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