Chapter 2~Underground

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As I walked down the pathway I kept looking around hoping I would find Verona or Marissa. I walked into a room that looked like it was once part of a classroom or something, as I looked around I heard something  moving around in a corner, I grabbed a metal pipe and walked towards the noise, I raised the pipe above my head ready to attack when I noticed Verona in a cage with a bunch of desks piled in front of it "Verona!" I said as I ran over to the cage "Kat! oh god, it's so good to see you!" she said as tears filled her eyes "Wheres Marissa Ver?" "I....I don't know Kat....she was in the cage next to me and that thing came and got her and they've been gone for at least 45 minutes" As I moved desks out of the way Verona pushed on the cage door until it flew open "Come on Ver, we have to find Marissa" I said as we walked back into the pathway and down the hall. We kept walking until we heard a scream come from somewhere, we ran towards it and it led to another hole "Not another one" groaned Verona as she stared down into the hole "Marissa! Marissa are you down there!?" I yelled into the hole "Kat! Kat is that you!?" "Yea and iv'e got Verona with me to, are you ok?" "Yea i'm fine" "How deep is the hole?" "Pretty deep, it would take more then you and Ver to get me out, unless you can find some rope or something" "we'll see what we can find....come on Ver, we gotta get her out" I said as we started looking around the room "Here!" yelled Verona as she threw some rope at me "This should be long enough.....I hope" I said as held one end and dropped the rest into the hole "Can you reach it Marissa?" "Yea" she said as I felt weight put on the rope "Help me Ver" I said as I pulled the rope "Keep going" said Verona as Marissa finally got out of the hole, she then ran up to me and Verona and hugged us "It's so good to see you guys again" "we have to get out of here...NOW" I said as all three of us headed back the way we came.   

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