Chapter 4

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    It's Saturday, yawning I glanced out the window where the sunrays burn my eyes. As promised, I waited outside my dorm for Jayden. I was dressed in a black hoodie followed by a pair of grey shorts, rolling my eyes as i glanced at my watch, Jay is late by 20 mins, looking far into the cloudy skies, I thought, it's just like the day i lost mom...

    I miss my parents, it has been three years since they left, my mother had 4th stage liver cancer and dad passed away since i was at the age of 4. Before mom left, Jay made a promised to take care of me for the past days to come, as promised, he did a very good job,and also the reason I'm always with him.He is like brother to me, though mom's question often roamed in my head, "Do you like Jayden baby??"

"Yo Val!" Jay said breaking my thoughts, as usual.

"Hey Jay" i replied with a smile, i still have no idea where we are heading to.

" Let's go~~" he said as he lead the way and I followed beside him, with our normal chats

We entered a nearby florist blocks away from Fae high, the smell of flowers hung in the air, filling our noses with it.Picking a white orkid, which i remembered it's mom's favourite, Jay paid at the counter, as i asked 

" What's that for??" 

"You'll see."hereplied winking at me

I simply nodded at his reply.

   Walking what seemed like a familar road, though i could not recall where to, or where am i, as we reached the cemetry mom was buried, silenced, i walked towards her grave, she was the only family member i had since dad left, although Jay had been there for me in the past years and also the years to come...Settling my eyes on the monotone picture of mom placed on her grave,her bright smile, and eyes filled with happiness staring into mine, i could feel the tears streaming from my eyes as they slide down my cheek. Jayden carefully placed the newly bought orkid at the base of her grave, as he placed a warm arm over my shoulder, comforting me.We stood there what seemed like forever as I told mom about these past years I've spent with Jay, it almost felt like she was here, but reality she isn't... Although I've spoken for almost half an hour, I still missed her when we had to go, taking one last look at her grave, we left as thunder rumbled from a distance....

    After seeing mom, I somehow felt better, 

"thank you" i said smiling at Jay 

" welcome Val" he replied smiling back

We headed to a nearby cafe to get a drink as Jay asked

" I heard that there would be a fair late this evening near Fae high. Interested??"

"Oh? Sure, I'll ask Chelsea about it, she should be back by then." I replied

He ordered ice cream with extra chocolates for me and a ice blended fruit tea for himself, he always knew how to cheer me up, though they  always say that wolves and bunnies will always be prey and predator, never ever friends, but Jay and I proved them wrong in the past years and also those to come.

   I headed back as went Jay for his classes with Daniel and the others, waiting for Chelsea to finish her training session, I slumped on my comfy bed revising on some school work , trust me it is boring but what choice do I have?? 2 Hours past and Chelsea came back smelling bad as she  asked

" Hey Val, did you hear about the fair this evening??" 

" Yes, I was about to tell you about that, I'll be following Jay , I wonder if you wanna come along" I replied

" Umm, Sure, but lemme shower first" she said as she grabbed her clothes and entered the bathroom in the speed of light


      The fair was crowded with fae people, from kids to elderlies . The various of items sold attracted many people, mostly shopperholics like Chelsea. Munching on a waffle and gulping down a cup of smoothie which both taste just great, the food animal in me left Jayden chuckling as we walked down the streets of the fair. Accesories were usually my favourite, since i love drawing, clothes usually interests Chelsea, as normal for any other girls, Jay seemed to notice this and questioned 

" interested ?" a obvious question to ask

I said nothing but nodded , eyes fixed on the books that they sold. He chuckled again, picking up a sketch book with a wolf design as a cover and paid it, I though bought the same but a different cover design, I then ended my shopping spree with some normal school accesories...though i did wonder who that book was for ....
Heading back to the dorm, I came across Jessica, she too was heading to the fair, as she passed, she let out what sounded like a low growl towards me, and headed towards where Jay and i once parted, was she going to hang out with Jay or something? He did come alone, I felt the sudden jealousy but I shoved the thought away, I kinda like Jay but only as a brother, plus I do not think that Jessica would consider him, or would she??He is popular... I cursed at the thought as i shoved it far away and ended my long Saturday...

~~what do you guys think? Would Jay ever be with Jessica??? :O stay tune to find out~~

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