Chapter 1

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                                                                       Meeting Leland

I walked into the Mariote bar in Kawani Hawaii hell bent on forgetting the last two days of fighting with my son. I wanted to just relax and stop worrying. I walked to the bar and ordered a double vodka neat. I sat down and drank my drink thinking about what to do about my son.  A man walked up next to me and ordered a scotch. He looked over and smiled and said, "Hi, I'm Leland Chapman." "Ashleigh Morgan." He sat down and we started talking. I knew his dad cause I watch the show. Before I knew it we were both drunk. "I think we should go because we have already had too many. My place is just down the street." We paid the bar tender and left for his apartment.  We walked for what seemed like a long time cause we were drunk.  We got to his place and he unlocked the door and let me walk in first.  He came in and closed and locked the door. He set his keys down and turned around and grabbed me and kissed me.  We pulled apart and he looked at me. It was a couple seconds before I smiled and kissed him. We stumbled to the bedroom all the way taking off each others clothes.  He laid me down and we made love. We fell asleep after about the fourth time I think. I lost count.  The next morning we woke up to the sound of voices yelling for Leland.  We jumped out of bed and got dressed. He kissed me before we opened the door and went out to the living room. There sat Dog, Beth, Baby Lyssa, and Duane Lee.  They looked at me and then to Leland. Duane Lee and Baby Lyssa smirked at us. Beth and Dog just stared. I went outside to make a phone call. I heard them from outside. "Son who is that?" "Her name is Ashleigh. I met her last night." I Like her so be nice." "We will but I have say as your dad you slept with someone you just met." "Yes I did. We were drunk but I would have done it anyway." "Big Daddy give her a chance she seems like a nice girl." Dog nodded and agreed. I walked back inside and sat down by Leland.  Everyone had questions for me.  I answered them as best I could. "We should get to the office cause we have a bounty to get." We all stood up and walked to the door. I got into Leland's truck and on the way to my car he said, "You wanna come on a bounty with us? Dad won't mind cause Beth likes you." I smiled and nodded my head. We headed to Da Kine Bail Bonds.

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