Chapter 15

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Roxy's POV

It started to rain outside an hour ago and even though the storm turned off the power we were still slow dancing. I placed my head on his chest. I felt his hand rub my back softly. I looked up at him in the dark with only the lightning to light up his face. He was giving me a strange look that made my heart feel like it stopped for a moment.

I heard him sigh in content causing me to smile. He did weird things to me even I couldn't deny it, but it know longer scared me. I had a strong feeling that I'd do whatever it took to keep him in my life. That is if I had one long enough. I looked up as there was a flash of light with just enough time to catch his blue eyes watching me.

"Maybe we should get some lights." I whispered not really wanting to part. I felt disappointed as he moved away from me. I walked to the closest and pulled down a box. I pulled out two flash lights a lighter and a bunch of candles. He took the lighter and started to lit them as I placed them around the room and one in the ajoined bathroom. I then placed both flashlights next to the door. I heard him yawn behide me. " You can sleep in here." I said softly trying to hide the disappointment that we can't spend more time together. "I don't want you hurting yourself in an unknown room." I grabbed the flashlight and hand my hand on the doorknob when I heard my name.

"Roxy... Um... Will you stay in here with me?" He asked nervously. I felt my heart start to beat faster. I must of took to long to answer cause he started to stumble over his words. "I mean you don't have to. I could sleep on the floor or you could leave. I just... I... um..." I turned around and grabbed his hand softly as I walked to the bed.

"Shhh Harry." I whispered as I crawled into the bed. He looked down at me nervously.

"Maybe this wasn't a good idea." He muttered making me frown. He rubbed the back of his neck unsure. " I just don't think sleeping in jeans will be a good idea." He looked down at his self making me realize he was still in his clothes from earlier. I had a sudden urge to facepalm myself. I'll have to have Collin bring over stuff for him tomorrow.

I looked at Harry's blushing face as I crawled over to him. "Harry, look at me." I called. When he finally did I gave him an encouraging smile. "I've seen you in your underwear before Harry. Remember it's just like a bathing suit." He blush turned redder.

"This feels differnt." He admitted.

"How?" I asked.

"Well first we aren't swimming and second your still clothed." He whined. I shook my head laughing.

" I'll strip with you if that'll make you feel better." I teased.

His eyes widened. "I have a feeling that isn't a good answer for sleeping." This made me frown putting my hands on my hips.

"I'm not going to jump you."

He started to laugh. " Alright Roxy." He said before slowly taking his shirt off. As he did so I noticed he was forming abs from his work outs. He then peeled off his dirty jeans. I scooted back to let him in the bed.

He kept fidgetting next to me making me ready to snap at him. Then he kicked me. "Holy fuck Harry. Can you keep still?"

"Sorry" he mumbled. I turned to face him and saw uncomfortably he looked and sighed.

"I can go to the other room if you changed your mind."

"No I want you to stay." He answered sounding unsure still.

"Then what's wrong?" I tried to keep my voice even but I'm sure my irritation was showing through.

" I've never slept in the same bed as a girl before I can't figure out where to put myself that won't make you feel uncomfortable." He admitted.

I groaned and moved closure to him. "Come here." I whispered as I placed his arm around my waist and curled up to him. I ignored the feeling I got when I touched him and looked up at him. "Better?" I asked.

He nodded slightly as he stared at me. "Roxy?" He asked.

I sighed. "Yes Harry?" I'm never going to get sleep at this rate.

"What would of happened if Mark never interuppted us?" He asked cautiously. I stiffened next to him as I watched his face. All the feelings I was holding back rushed back to me. The need to touch him, the feeling of just wanting to be touched by him. Before I could stop myself I pushed him on his back causing him to yelp in surprise as I straddled him. I looked into his eyes and instead of seeing the hunger like last time I saw need. Like he could read my mind and was begging me for it. "Roxy?" He questioned.

"Shh Harry." I whispered as I leaned into him I felt his hands grip the back of my thighs as I placed my arms on either side of his head."You sure you want to know?" I asked watching him looking for any disapproval, any sign of disgust.

His breathe hitched as he watched me. He didn't look scared even though he pobably should of been. I leaned closer and whispered in his ear. "Harry?" He looked at me questioningly and I lightly shifted myself as I felt him harden underneath me. I bit my lip lightly starting to get nervous, but as soon as I felt it I shook it off. "What had you been having trouble stopping?"

He looked at me with a smirk. I could see him getting confident and I wasn't sure if it scared me or excited me more. He flipped us over so he was on top. He slid his hands up my body and brought my wrists above my head. He went slow watching me as he did it. He knew if I wanted to stop him I could. I kept silently urging him as he held my wrists tightly over my head. His other hand stroke down my side like he was trying to memorize this moment. I bit my lip as I watched the man above me.

Part of me wanted this so bad while the other part was testing him, seeing if I could trust him to know when and where to stop. His fingers traced along the band of my shorts like he was undecieve. He then pulled his hand away to cup my face.

"Your so beautiful." He whispered before leaning in and for the third time we were interrupted. "Ugh." He groaned moving away as the phone went off so I could get it. I wanted to tell the caller to fuck off but I saw it was Boss.

"Hello." I said grumpily.

"Did I wake you?" He asked. I looked at the clock it was 2 in the morning.

"Well it is 2 am." I replied. I heard him laugh he was way to chipper.

"Roxanne, Ricky is dead." He said such a grim thing way to happily.

"Wait what? Is Mark...?" I paused not sure if I cared.

"He got on the plane alone claims he was at a party came back to find his partner dead, so he followed protocol for when were compromised." The way he said it was off. Mark "claims". It sounded like Boss didn't believe his story.

"Alright thanks for the heads up. I'll tell Collin and keep a close eye on my friend here." I replied eyeing Harry.

"Collin knows he's going to bring Rebecca with on your guys trip home." He replied before suddenly hanging up. I looked at Harry and he grabbed my hand.

"Everything okay?" Harry asked worriedly. I smiled as I saw all the little things he did that showed he cared. I couldn't help it any longer. Maybe it was the fact I've been debating doing it for weeks or the fustration at always being interrupted when we almost get there. I grabbed Harry pulling him to me and I kissed him. It felt electric, as if someone was electricuting my mouth without causing me pain. I felt his hand thread through my hair as I gripped him roughly. I let out a soft moan before ripping myself away from him.

I was breathing heavily as I watched him. Once my breathes were even I laid back down. I felt him lay behind me before he wrapped an arm around me. "Roxy, I think...." I turned around and pecked his lips stopping whatever he was saying.

When I pulled away I looked at him slightly frantic and whispered. "Don't" I wasn't sure if he was going to turn me down or if he was going to proclaim love for me, but either way I didn't want to know yet. When I was sure he wasn't going to continue I snuggled into him. "Good night Harry."

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