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"Come here you!" I rap my arms around her waist pulling her into me; I tear her shirt off pop her black leopard printed bra of with one finger then toss her to the bed with ease the recoil makes her body bounce, calling me more. I've got my teeth sunk in her neck in seconds she moans and twitches on the bed fumbling with her belt, I slid my hand down and in a quick flash it's open and she's naked laying on the bed begging for me. "Hmm."

"W-what?" She stutters trying to cover herself.

I pin her down look her in the eyes, "you wanna be with me right?" She nods, "good then don't be shy." She moaning and twitching, screaming and shouting, my name all night non stop.


The sunrise jabs at my eyes violently. Fuck my head feels like I've broken something with it, hell my whole body feels that way. I drag my body out of the bed in to the cold; my body gets the little bumps uh goose bumps I think there called not that I do much thinking in the first place.

I toss my body in the ice cold shower and watch all the dirt, sweat, makeup, and random unidentified things swirl the drain. I hear a tinny moan come from the other room, it gets shrugged off with the water running down my back.

After some time in the shower there's a loud crack and thudding sound coming from the other room; I casually rap a towel around myself and get out. On the floor is a scared girl looking confused naked sprawled on the floor bruised red, raw, bitten on every inch of flesh, hair matted, and it looks like won't be walking normal for a week scratch that a month and sore for two; I can't help myself I burst out laughing. The bed is broken in two (no wonder my body hurts I pumped this girl for all she's worth and then some).

I'm turned away from her tossing on my shirt and shorts grabbing my beanie putting it on my wet hair getting the rest of my crap and clearing out before she expected more of me. I can't stand being anyone's girlfriend; no matter.

I see my jeep, Jason, is still in tact, he turns over nicely and gets me to a place to get a bumper sticker. After each lay I get a sticker tag it a number and wright about the person in my black book in the glove box; I've got around a hundred something; the car shop around the corner have a stupid saying on a sticker "love lasts forever" on it I grab it stick it on the back next to one reading "I've fucked your mom".

Not to far down the road some ass honked at my so I stuck my arm out the window and flipped him off; screw him for being a dick. The a whoop from a cops sirens make me pull over. Fucking cops. I glare into the revere view mirror and see the chick I just banged in the front seat. I pull Jason over in a Starbucks parking lot; and get out if him.

Mother fucking cop, I put on my cheery smile and stood waiting for him. "Hello officer how can I help you today."

"The lady in my car said you raped her." He gave me a grimacing look.

"No sir that is a lie," I made sure it was loud enough so she could hear and hear she did, hell she jumped from the car and started accusing me.

"You raped me, and you know you did!" She look pissed and content.

"Actually you what was it 19 or 20 right?" I smirk.

"Yeah, so?"

"I'm 16 so that was technically statutory, so this can all go away or we can duke it out and I'll win ."

Her jaw drops hits the floor with a loud thump, and the cops followed. "But you were drinking arrest her for that."

"I wasn't drinking , they were virgins ask Rich me and him are buds." My smirk twists in the a devilish smile.

"What uh...there's no way, not at all!" Shock drips on to her face her shoulders slump in defeat. I turn and walk away, get back in Jason, and turn out to the street. Damn I'm great at bull shitting.

My place is a disaster area everything everywhere. Well it's not like I care I like it the way it is but my brothers can't stand it nor can his girl I mean come on its not a big deal really. I shut the door quietly swiftly climb the stairs and sneak into my room unnoticed.

Loud thumping comes down the hall violent and rhythmic. The door creaks open, and there is "Medusa!" I scream.

"O-ha ha very funny Sammy make fun of my beauty regiment. Do you know how worried your brothers, Trevor almost sent out a search party!"

"Hey Medusa your not my mother, Trevor isn't my father, I'm 16 I can leave when I want, and lastly being the wicked witch isn't a beauty regiment it just an eye sore to everyone I'm surprised Trevor puts up you little miss priss. Now get the fuck out of my room asap."

"That's the last time I take your filthy back talking mouth Sammy!" She reaches for me, I grab and twist her arm flip her and pin her face down on the floor.

"What is going on!" I could hear Trevor behind me barking, demanding, waking everyone.

"Go the hell away Trevor I'm dealing with miss priss thinking she's my mother fucking mother!" I roar back.

He grabs my shoulder attempting to pull me off, "let go of her Sammy."

"Fuck that." By then my other brother Keith is out shirtless in boxers watching Trevor. "I'm not letting go of her till she decides to stop being a fucking priss."

"Trevor! Keith! Help me!" She cried, I squish her down more so her green gunk smears the wood paneling.

"Come on Sammy," Keith pleaded.

"Really Sammy I don't have time for this." Trevor rubs his eyes then temples.

They try to peel me off again but I latch on harder making sure she doesn't move at all. "You know what, Lilly just apologize so we can all leave." Trevor said releasing me.

"Sammy I'm sorry now get your psyco hands off me." Lilly yelled.

"Sure, but I bet your use to it slut." I clime off her and plop on my bed. Trevor helps her up and Keith shakes his head in disgust. Then Lilly bursts into tears making more green drip to the floor.

"Sammy your suppose to lead this year and this is how you act, father would be disappointed." Trevor leaves at that remark slamming the door.

I bound to the door swing it open and yell, "then why don't you just stay leader huh! Instead of trying to make me!"

At this he snapped swiveling around releasing Lilly. "Because your the only true alpha in this place that's why! And I'm sorry that father had a child before his real mate came along! Are you pissed at mother too for having Keith before meeting father! Damn I knew you could be a bitch but this is a bit much!"

"You know what fuck you!" My alpha roar came out unleashing a sound making the ground shake; making Trevor flinch, Lilly cower as well as Keith. "Just let me be." I whisper leaving closing and locking my door.

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