Chapter 15

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Nick's POV

I stare at Vonia's lifeless body lieing on the floor. I look at the crowd, and scan who is in it. A man jumps out, and slids over to vonia on his knees. He then surprises me... by kissing her. I smack him upside the head and grab his shirt front

"What in the hell are you doing?"

he looks innocent, and shocked

"I, i was doing CPR!"

I let him go, and look towards the disapproving looks of the crowd. He continues to Vonia, kissing, then pressing harshly onto her chest.


He did this for about twenty minuets. I begin to hear sirens, and soon enough, an ambulance pulls up, followed soon by another one. Two men jump out, carring a huge brief case-like bag along. They push us both back, and begin getting to work. After a while, they turn to us sadly, letting us know that she is gone. I feel my heart stop, and hit the floor. Everything goes black, as i see the same men place an oxygen mask over my mouth, and i black out









When i wake up, im in an all white room, no windows. I hear a beeping noise, and i look around the room, until i find it next to me. A monitor shows my breathing and heart rate.


My heart rate shoots up as i think about her. I rip the i.v out of my hand, and then my arm. I run into the curtain, and the curtain and i both come crashing down. I get tangled in the thin, brightly colored, patterned fabric. When i tear through it, i find that im in the emergencey room.


I scream, and a nurse rushes over.

"Oh my goodness, child! Are you okay?"

She was an african, who was insanely gorgeous. I have always admired them. She helped me up

"Who are you looking for, baby?"

I smiled

"Vonia florez"

she extended her hand towards a hall

"Come with me, sweetie"

We walked down a hall, and ended up infront of a room that was closed shut. She opened it, and led me inside. She was hooked up to a machine like i was, but it was off.

"Hey, why is that machine off iif it is hooked onto her?"

I asked nervously. She hugged me softly

"Baby, it is on"

She let me go. I looked again at the machine, and saw that all the lines were flat. Tears blurred my vision. I walked to her, and stroked her delicate face. She was gone from me, forever now. The nurse came, and covered her woth the blanket, completely. She then lead me out, away from Vonia, and clicked the door shut. The click of Vonias life going away.

As i sat at my home, i quickly became lonely, longing for Vonia right by my side. I eventually thought that i had to plan something for her, a funeral, a celebration of life, something. Over a course of three, four days, i planned out a funeral for her, like a small burial. However, Not many people showed up. Just her mother, her other grandma, and me, my mother. I didnt want to have her mother come, because i thought she would be respectful.

I was wrong though.

When it was her mothers time to go up and say her final goodbyes. She quietly got up, and walked up stifly. I thought she was sorry for all she has done. Abused her, beaten her, physically, and mentally. When she got up there, i sensed something was wrong. She opened up her jacket, and pulled an object out. I, nor anyone else was able to see it. She threw it down onto Vonia, and i bolted up. But before i could even get up there, its too late. She turned around, with Vonias severed head, dripping blood, both eyes scraped out. I ran up, and tackled her to the floor. I could not even touch the head, as i was sick to my stomach, at both the site and her mother. As i said my final goodbye, my tears hit the floor, and i walked away. But before i could sit down, i heard someone scream, and i heard a cough. When i turned around, Vonias mothers face was pale, and her grandmother fell to the floor on her knees, crying. I felt the color in my face drain as i saw through their eyes.


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