Chapter 27

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Vonias POV

I stare at Nick, who is still in shick, sitting in a fetal position, shaking. I cant stand this, i turn away fircely, and i hear him get up. I turn on my heels back around, and we are an inch from each other

"Nick, i -"

"No, im sorry. Im a waste of a human. I dont deserve you, and i sure as hell dont deserve to have had both of you"

He hangs his head, truely hurt, and ashamed. I gentley reach out, touch his chin, and lift his head up smoothly so he is looking at me.

"Nick, yes you did. Okay, you are an amazing boyfriend to her, you loved her! And thats all what matters"

We lock eyes, and a rush of lust comes over me. My eyes drop to his lips, and i begin biting my lip,

Wait, whats overcoming me? Ive never wanted Nick more than i do now. His soft brown hair, and green eyes. Man, he looks HOT. Before i know it, ive pushed him up against a wall. He raises an eyebrow

"I dont know what your doing, but im really attracted to it."

He says before leaning into my face. His hand slides up my shirt, his warm hands. Makes me laugh a little when he smiles. He takes his warm lips back, my eyes open to see his, so close to me, but he feels so far,

"You are the only girl i have ever wanted, Vonia. Audry never made me feel this way. She has always made me hate you. And the more and more i had to pretend, the more i had to have you."

Does he really mean that? I mean, he has already played me once,

But nobody is perfect, right?

I shrug, and lean into him, and we kiss, passionatly. When we stop, we sit down together, against the wall. I leaned my head on him, and look forward. It takes me awhile to realize what has happened. I jerk my head up, making Nick jump a little. He stares at me


"Whats wrong"

He says scanning the room to see what im looking at.

"Wheres Kyra!?"

He sits up quickly, looking around himself, then the room. I get up, and turn in a circle, until a dot catches my eye. Heart beating, i walk over to it


nicks worried voice rings into my head, but the rest gets blocked out by my brain. I stop right infront of it, and look down. A single tear falls, because i know, her time is almost done. Sitting on the floor is her favorite best friend bracelette i gave to her in elementary school, and a single, drop of blood. Her blood. I bend down, grab the bracelette, and hold it to my heart, i start to hear nick again.


i dont turn around.

"They have her"

I choke on my own words, the thought of losing my best friend would be way too painful. From behind, i hear nick mumble

'Oh. My. God'


Kyras POV

"Jerks! Turn on these dam lights, so i can kick your ass!"

I scream into the pitch darkness surounding me. I hear laughter, and the brightest light i swear ever come on. I squint my eyes, but eventually close them. Wjen i open my eyes, two twins are standing infront of me. I try to swing my arm, but i cant. Im strapped to a chair awkwardly.

"The least you could have done was tie my to a chair right"

A strong fist hist my eye, then my lip

"Shut up!"

One of the twins screams. I deeply breathe in, then out. Oh how i just wanted to kick them right in the-

"So, kyra..."

On of them interupts my thoughts

"What happened with our 'lovely' dear Audry"

The way they says lovely irritates me so. I give them a disgusted look, which i guess... wasnt the right answer.

"I aint telling you CRAP, you perverts!"

I scream at them, The man takes my arm, and twists my wrist painfully. I scream, which doesnt make him stop at all. The further he goes, the mkre i want to pass out from pain. When it is soo painful, its numb and tingling, i hear a disgusted crack, and feel the back of my wrist touch my arm. I look at my black and purple, already swollen wrist.

"Answer us, or we will slowly, painfully kill you"

I look down

"She killed herself"

I mumble, and a hand grabs my jaw, tightens, and lifts up

"Answer me"


I scream at then, and he releases my jaw painfully.


"Because Nick says the baby aint his"

The two laugh, looking a each other. I squint at them

"Oh, funny"

"Funyy that he wouldnt except his own child?!"

I screamm

"If it was"

"That was his damn child-"

"No, it wasnt!"

One of them says playfully. Now im irritated.

"Then who elses could it be!? Hes only her.. oh, i dont know. Oh yeah, HER BOYFRIEND!"

I stare at them both, and an awful thought crosses my head, the man knows what the thought is, so he smiles.

"No, no.."

I shake my head.

"Yes.... yes!"

He replies, mockingly.

"The child is mine!"

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