Chapter Seven: Aline

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Aline had been searching for something to transport Jamin for 2 hours. No luck. She knew she couldn't, but at this point she really wanted to leave him there. Adrain would never agree to it, and she wasn't about to fight with him about it.
Aline walked unto a porch and immediately was threatened. A man sitting in a rocking chair with a long sword pointed to Aline's heart. Would he actually hurt her or was it just for show. Or as Warlock used to say that she was all bark and no bite. She has definitely shown him wrong now. Only if he could see her now.
The man look almost drunk, but not all the way. Like he was recovering from being drunk. During this part, Jamin would be sleeping entail he was completely better.
The man looked at Aline and said," I don't know who you are pretty girl, but no one steps on my porch. You know why?"
Aline didn't say anything, just glared at him.
The man shook his said and answered," because everything one in this stupid town they call home are scared of me and know not to mess with me. So what makes you so blame?"
Aline turned her head to the right and back towards the left making sure their was no one else there and sad," I need something to transport someone. Can you help me?"
The man smiled and said," what, did you kill someone and your trying to get the body away. No wait, you seem like the person just to kill them and leave. Well darling I never help anyone unless there is something in it for me. What can you offer?"
Aline was desperate at this time and said," name it and you got it."

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