Chapter Twenty: Jamin

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    The first question Jamin had for Warlock was," How? How are you still alive, standing here? Aline saw you die."
   Warlock was silent for many seconds before answering. Making sure to pick the right words to say.
   Warlock finally answered saying,"If I am being completely honest with you my friend, I do not know. I remember very clearly dying in Aline's arms and it felt like only a moment, then I wake up in this room, alive and with no scar to prove my injury."
    Jamin as taken back by this, but realized one thing he never questioned or even thought about asking,"Those people, who kidnapped us. Where are they?"
    "They were the people I woke up to. They are a group who rebel against the queen and her actions. They have been following you for many days, hearing you talk about your plans and Aline. They have been looking for Aline to help her in her war against her mother. They thought , if they captured you, you would maybe tell them where she was. Don't worry, they can't follow us. I put something in their food to make them sleep. They are probably just waking up now." Warlock said this with laughter.
   Adrain spoke up finally saying,"You drugged them?!"
    Warlock looked at him and said,"Well I didn't think you would care because they beat you."
     Jamin stopped Adrain from saying anything and asked,"Why did they beat him?"
  "Well because he was refusing, and fighting back. Now you, you were knocked out cold."
   Jamin laughed at this and slowly stopped to imagine what Aline was going to do seeing Warlock, alive and well.
      Warlock walked ahead for a moment and Adrain walked over to Jamin and asked," So this is the guy that took care of Aline growing up?"
    Jamin and proud to say," Yes. He is a wonderful man and I'm glad she was cared for. We can trust him. I promise."
    Adrain only shook his head to this and they both ran to meet Warlock as he stopped at a bridge, with a look on his face Jamin did not like.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 06, 2017 ⏰

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