Pending Divorce

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A few months had passed and everything had settled down.

Dahlia was doing better, she was more open to letting Ace touch her sexually.

Ace and Dahlia were working on rebuilding their relationship to what it use to be.

Ace was definitely pulling out all stops, he wanted his ghetto love back.

Ace missed the spontaneous visits of Dahlia's  but he knew time was all that was needed.

                Today was hectic, files were piled high on his desk.

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in" Ace replied

"Are you Mister Bourne?"


"You have been served"

The stranger handed him an envelope  and left.

Ace opened the envelope inside was the news he dreaded, Faith had filed for divorce.

Ace could not say he was surprised just that he didn't expect it to come so soon, anyways what was done was done.

He wouldn't fight her if that was what she wanted he would give it to her, no questions asked.


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