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Demi and Justin had sat down for breakfast. Justin had brought Demi's stuff upstairs and Demi had set up the plates and cutlery.

"So Demi I was thinking that, maybe, you'd, urmm, maybe consider-" Justin started before Demi cut him off.

"Will you spit it out you need to be at work soon"

"Urm, okay. Well I thought that maybe you might consider becoming a permanent room mate if you will?" Justin said looking down at his plate the entire time.

"Sure" Demi said finishing with her stuff and putting it in the sink. "But I refuse to do the dishes." She said as she walked away. Justin sat at the island stunned. What had just happened?

- 2 Hours Later -

Justin was sitting at his desk at work and his mind was wandering.

First it went to what it was like to hold Demi in his arms this morning.

Then when he had accidentally brushed her hand clearing away the plates, and they had both looked up into each others eyes for a moment before Demi broke away and cleared up. Then his mind when somewhere he didn't want to be.

"So, I come with a preposition." Christina said her face neutral but I could tell from her eyes she had a hidden agenda that I had a feeling would be revealed to me very soon.

"What ever it is I am not interested." Justin said wanting to get her out as quick as possible and it wasn't because he had work it was because he hated the girl.

"Justin listen." Christian said placing a hand on his chest and stopping to look into Justin's eyes. She took a step closed and tilted her head down so that she could look up at Justin through her eye lashes. Soon she was close enough to whisper in his ear. And while she did so she was running her long manicured nail up and down his throat.

"See Justin I know how you live, you live like a king. And what happens when a king runs out of moneys? His empire crumbles. I can help you with that, honey. You need me." Christina said. And Justin leaned back to look at her when he did he found her smirking at him. Anger was rising and he couldn't stop it.

"No." He said simply trying to keep his anger under control until she was gone.

"You haven't even heard what I have to say yet?" Christina said pouting at Justin. "What I offer is that you and me become and item because my new movie is just about to come out, so you AND your business will get promotion." Christina said quietly but with a sly smirk on her face because she knew she had caught my attention.

"What's the catch?" Justin said his eyes narrowed knowing she wouldn't just 'help' him.

"The catch is that you have to date me, properly. I miss you baby." Christian said. "Oh and I need so money." She said walking away from me to sit back down on the sofa.

"Oh here we go." Justin said turning away from her.

"If you don't take me up on my offer your business or rather your fathers business that he would do anything to save will go under. And you won't be able to afford your cheap whores anymore." Christina said. And that, was when Justin lost it.

"Get out." He said.

"Make me."

"I said get the fuck out of here.-" he said turning to face her, there was shock plastered all over her face. But she showed no intent of moving."Now." Justin shouted at her, she flinched backwards. And he didn't care, he turned away from her to look out of the window but he knew she was leaving because of the clicks of her heals on the floor.

"Oh and by the way christina, you were the cheap whore. And since we broke up I've been willing to spend even less on your sorry ass."

I hate you, don't leave meWhere stories live. Discover now