Twelve: Christmas: I'm Yours

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When morning came by, the two woke in panicked. They looked at each other, confused as to why they're sleeping together but then, they remembered.

He greets her with a kiss on the cheeks and she laughed at his crazy bed hair. He mouthed the word " What? " and laughed along with her.

" Should I make you breakfast? "
" Do we even have time for breakfast? "
" Shit. "

The time was eight a.m. School should be starting but they're still at home.

" Wanna skip for today? "
" You know my parents will kill me if they know. "
" Let's sneak out. "

She sighed but then nodded at his suggestion. Being with Jungkook has changed her. She became a bit more rebellious and less afraid to do rebellious things. He was something.


A month passed by and it was now the time of Christmas. It was officially winter. The season of thick scarfs, coats, gloves and hot chocolate.

After that incident where Jungkook got beat up and came to Yein's house, the two became even more close, closer than ever. They were already close but this time they were inseparable.

Every time he saw her he would give her a huge warm smile and she would do the same, but for Jungkook it was different. He loves the girl so much that just by looking at her makes him almost unable to breathe.


The day of Christmas came and it leaves Jungkook excited. He's going to see her dressed cutely in a cute coat and all bundled up with a thick scarf. To him, he thinks it's cute but then again, everything about her is cute to him.

" What took you so long? I waited out in the freezing cold for almost thirty minutes! " he whines.
" Sorry. I had to fix my hair! "
" It's okay. I was just joking. " he chuckles and she slaps his arm.
" Let's go. "


Since it's Christmas, there were many people outside even if it was very cold. The couple decided to go on a simple date. They decided to go ice skating.

Yein refused at first because she didn't know how to skate but Jungkook promised her that he would teach her and hold on to her tight so she agreed to go on the date with him.

" Just come in! " he yells at her in a nice tone.
" I'm gonna fall!! " she screams.

Without her permission, Jungkook pulls her into the ice skating ring and Yein lets out a small scream.

" Look! You didn't fall! " he smiles at her.

" Hold on to my hand. " he said skating backward while holding on to both of Yein's hands. He skates slowly, pulling her along with him. All he was focused on was her bright shy smile that was on her face. It made a smile light up on his face from seeing her smile.

As they skated, people in and outside of the ring watched them.

" Why are people staring at us? " she questions Jungkook.
" Probably because they think we're cute? " he answers cutely.
" I don't think so. Most of the females are staring at you. " she said softly in a small voice.
" Then it must be because of my handsomeness. " he gave her a sly grin and she adverts her eyes.
" Why are you jealous because there are girls staring at me? " he leans close to her face and asks her but she doesn't answer.
" 1 , 2- " Jungkokk began to count and Yein answers immediately because she knew that if she doesn't answer Jungkook will kiss her in the public.

" Yeah I am. "

He smiles widely and pulls her body close to him.
They were basically hugging because they were so close.

He leans down and gives her a small peck on the lips. Hot heat rush up to Yein's cheeks making her forget about the cold.

" Why'd you do that...we're in public..."
" To show those girls that I love you and that I'm yours. " he smiles.

His words made her heart skip a beat and her hands gain tingly sensation. On the inside she squeals and screams her happiness. She couldn't believe what Jungkook just said.


" Ahhh. That was nice! Did you like it? " he asks her and she nods.
" Are you hungry? Want something to eat? "
" Mhm. "
" Tteobeokki? "
" Yep. You know me so well. " she laughs.
" I'm your boyfriend after all. " he smiles.
" I wonder what Mijoo and Hoseok are doing. "
" Hoseok hyung said that they were gonna go skiing and spend the night together. "
" Hmm. That must be nice. "
" Why? Because they're spending the night together? "
" Yeah. "
" You can always spend the night with me. " he shot a smirk at her and she jokingly pouts her lips.

Yein actually wanted to spend the night with him. They slept together before and she liked it. The way he hugged her and how he falls asleep embracing her; she liked it. The way his warm skin touched her making  her forget about all the coldness in her room; it was a feeling she never wanted to get rid of.

Lost in her thoughts, she smiled unconsciously.

" Why are you smiling? " he asks.
" It's nothing. "
" Really? "
" Mhm. "

It's nothing. I was just thinking about how sleeping with you makes me feel like I'm the most loved person on earth.

- - - - -


I'm sorry I took so long to update!! I was busy with school. Also I feel like my writing style is so repetitive it's driving me crazy. I'm not a very good writer but seeing my kinda bothers me haha cause I used the same adjectives and transition words all the time! Anyways enough about the rant! I hope you like this chapter!!

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