On the Run- Chapter One

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I decided to start On the Run again. It's the only topic that I can think of. There might be some errors here and there but I think it'll turn out pretty good. Well... I hope it will. I hope you enjoy it. It's the first story that I actually have semi-planned out. The picture to the side is of Natalie. Enjoy!!! =] --------------------------------->

Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes!

~Chapter One~

The cool, summer air felt great against my face as I dashed through the woods, leaving all my misery behind me. I ran for dear life. As I sped up to top speed, I happen to step on every single possible branch on the forest floor, breaking them in half. Making a slight cracking sound, which echoed through the trees.

A grin came across my face as my destination came into view.

To get away from my hectic, I had set up a small, yet comfortable, camp site for myself. I came here anytime that I needed peace and quiet. Whether it was because of my mother, or my life in general. This place, for me, has been considered my home ever since my dad passed away in a car accident a couple years back.

Every single of my needs could be found here. My feet carried my over to my mini rocking chair. My chocolate, brown eyes skimming all over the place. As I looked over everything and anything, one in particular caught my eye.

It was an old picture of my dad. He was smiling his trademark smile that everyone loved. Especially my mother. After his death she totally zoned everyone out. She just layed there lifelessly in her room just staring at her ceiling or wall. She only got out of bed when she absolutely had to. Which here also includes work.

I walked over and picked up the photo in the tiny frame. My grin disappeared and a concentrated look took over my face. My eyes began to water, but I just ignored it. I set the photo back down at its usual spot on the blanket. Next I grabbed my art kit.

It had everything! Paint, colored pencils, markers, these really cool paint/colored pencils thing, etc. Next to it was my iPod. I'm just in love with Temple Run and Ninjump.They were just so addictive!

Everything was on a huge blanket or a bunch of medium sized blankets duct taped together. Above, were many camouflage trash bags tied together to make a roof. 

I grabbed my iPod turned it on, I went into songs and put it on shuffle. Somebody that I Used to Know by Gotye came on. I began humming along to the tune.

Pulling on a blank piece of paper and stared sketching. I never really paid attention to what I was drawing. My hands just did what ever they wanted to. Thoughts of my childhood started coming to mind.

I ran around the yard, running away from my father. He was on my tail as I ran laughing like crazy. I stopped running and fell on the ground. As I began to start rolling around, my dad started laughing even harder. He kneeled down and started tickling me. The spring breeze was making the trees sway back and forth ever so slightly. Butterflies were flying all around me. My yellow dress was blowing in the wind. My mom was sitting on the patio sipping away at her lemonade. She was 2 months pregnant with my little brother or sister. Her hat was covering her eyes so I couldn't tell where she was looking. But I knew it was at my dad and me because she would giggle to herself.

I realized I was smiling. Looking down I saw that I finished my drawing. My eyes began to water again as I realized what I had drawn. A portrait of my dad was right in front of me. I even got all of the details correct. His rough mustache, his little goatee, and the scar that he had on his right cheek. I had drawn everything out of pure memory.

Yawning, I pulled the headphones out of my ears. A gust of wind made me shiver. I rubbed my hands on my arms to give myself some heat. Grabbing all of the supplies that I had taken out, I put them all back into the kit. Leaning over I picked up paper and a pen.

For some reason I felt like I should write myself a note. To give myself some faith. Some encouragement. A letter to the future me.

Dear Me,

Don't forget what life is about. Love. You will find yourself one day. What you're destined to be and do. Never forget that everything happens for a reason. You are the only one who can change your future. Love who you are. And never give up hope. Be with the people who make you happy. Leave the ones that make you feel bad.



I stood up and found a small, yet heavy rock. Picking up the rock; note in hand, I set the note down next to the portrait of my father and put the rock on it, to make sure that it wouldn't fly away. I kissed my pointer and middle finger and pressed it against my dad's cheek. I picked up my iPod and put it in my back pocket along with my phone.

I leaned down and grabbed a bottle of Gatorade and took a sip. Also popping a bit of string cheese into my mouth. Before I forgot, I grabbed the picture of my dad and stuffed it in my pocket.

Letting out a sigh, I took one last glance of my camp sight. I heard birds chirping up in the trees. Smiling to myself, I started slowly walking away. Taking in every single thing about my beloved woods. I got a feeling that I wouldn't see this place for a while.


I know this chapter was pretty crappy. But I think that the next chapter will be A LOT better! So I hope you guys will stick around! =]

                                                                              Until next time,

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