On the Run- Chapter Four

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Hello my dear fellow Earthlings! Just to say, Natalie's sister as you know is Alexis. Who I imagine should be Joey King. But don't imagine her like what she looks like now. Imagine what she looks like in around 2006, when she guest starred in The Suite Life of Zack and Cody. That little girl looking for her doll that she lost somewhere. Imagine her like that! Well enough of this pretty boring Author's Note. Let's get to Chapter 4. I hope you enjoy! =]

Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes!

~Chapter Four- Natalie's POV~

The light, cool breeze was blowing in my face. The sun was now almost out of sight. Dark blue now filled the sky. Stars shined bright up above. Trees all around were swaying back and forth to the gentle wind. Crickets were chirping off in the distance, but you could hardly hear it over the car engines.

I have been driving for at least 25 minutes, and am almost at my grandparent's house. As I approached their neighborhood, streetlights came into view. The lights were very old and barely gave off any light at all. I parked my car in their driveway and got out. Walking toward their front door I heard breathing behind me.

I jerked my head around so fast that I'm pretty sure that I heard my neck crack. Looking off into the distance I couldn't see anything. Deciding that there was nothing there I turned on my heel and continued walking up the steps the front door. Just as I was about to ring the doorbell I again heard breathing behind me.

I slowly turned around all cautiously. Slowly and quietly walking down the steps I walked around the unusually large bush. I kneeled down and pathetically poked around into the bush. Feeling soft fur, I began petting it, but it stepped away, out of reach. I took a few steps back beginning to slap my thighs. 

After a few seconds a head poked out of the bushes. It seemed to be very very small. That I can see in the dark, it was light brown. with black ears and black circles around it eyes.

I wasn't very good with dogs. I wasn't a dog person, I didn't know what to do when you find a stray. I began talking to myself.

It wouldn't hurt to keep it, right? I mean, it's not like it has rabies or anything. Or... it doesn't look like it. It probably doesn't though, it's not likely. Well, I got nothing to lose.

I began slapping my thigh again, lightly though. The dog cocked it's head to the side for a couple seconds, but I guessed it decided that I wouldn't hurt it. It began slowly approaching me. As it came closer, I could make out that it was very dirty. It's fur wasn't light brown, but white with brown mud spots here and there.

I took him, I'm assuminghe's a him, into my arms, and started cradling him. Taking a closer look, I could see that he didn't have a collar around his neck. I shrugged. If he's someones dog, then they'll at least be putting up fliers. Shaking my head I had the thought that I had no idea what I was doing.

I got off of my knees and wiped off the dirt on my knees. Making it up the steps, I rang the doorbell. By far, it was the weirdest ring I have ever heard. It sounded like some sort of... constipated goose or something like that. 

Impatient, I started tapping my left foot, with my right hand on my hip and the other holding the puppy. Waiting and waiting, I began to hum the melody to 'We are Young'. Getting lost in the tune, I slowly shut my eyes, and started swaying my body back and forth.

Hearing a loud ahmm! , I slowly raised my head. First, seeing my little sister, a wide grin made its way on my face. I got down to my knees, put the puppy down, and spread my arms out wide, wanting a hug. She came running towards me, and right when I was about to close my arms around her, she bent down, grabbed the puppy and started her way back into the house laughing like a maniac.

Getting up from the ground and dusting my knees off, I smiled to myself. She's going to love him. I thought to myself. Looking up, my smile faded. There was a mean Grandma staring right at me. She had a disapproving look on her face, shaking her head she motioned me to come inside.

Stepping inside, I kicked my shoes off making a faint thumping noise in the process. Grandma, but as I prefer to call her, Ella, sent me a death glare. Seeing as Lexi was staring at us, her expression softened. Right then and there, I thought that she was actually a kind-hearted old lady, but as soon as Lexi put all her attention back on the puppy, her expression went back to that nasty, old look that she only used toward me and my mother.

See, Ella is my dad's mom. And her and my mother didn't really start off on the right foot. The thing is, the only people that she actually liked in my family were my dad and Lexi. But now, it was only Lexi. She didn't even come to my parents wedding. She begged my dad to get married to my mother, but he was deep, deep, deeply in love.

Ella moved halfway across the country 2 days before the wedding. By then, I was already born. My parents had me before they even got married. I was their little flower girl at 5 years of age.

But as Ella, she disliked me too. She avoided us for 8 years. That is, until Lexi was born. Ella was all over her, saying that she was more like my father, so she must be more like him, making her like Lexi more.

4 years later, my dad died. She only kept in contact with us because of Lexi. Ella was convinced that we would raise her wrong. So she would always insist of her coming over.

Convincing Ella that is was time to go, I entered the living room to find him licking Lexi all over the face. She was giggling like crazy. Ella grabbed her in her arms and wiped all of the saliva off of her face with her sleeve. He came running toward Ella and Lexi jumping on her foot

Ella screamed, "Get that filthy mutt off of me!" I bent down and picked him up. Backing up I began to pet him.

"What are you talking about? He's adorable!" I walked forward, holding him out at arms length so he was a few inches from Ella's face. She jumped back, and I chuckled. "Aren't I right, Lexi," she nodded in response.

"Natty is right, Nana," she said in her baby voice. Ella sighed and put her down. I did the same with him, and they came running toward each other.

"Just get going, it's getting late," Ella said. I nodded.

"Come on Lexi!" She came running toward me with him right behind her. She pulled her hot pink flip-flops on and reached up to grab the door knob. After a while, she gave up and gathered him in her arms.

Picking both of them up, I opened the door with my free hand. Walking toward the car I pulled keys out of my pocket. Unlocking the door, I put Lexi and the puppy in the backseat and buckled her up. I got into the driver's seat and started the car.


Arriving home, I checked the living room, and found my mom asleep on the couch. I tip-toed upstairs and tucked an already asleep Lexi into bed and put him down next to her. He walked in circles multiple times before he lied down next to her. I ran downstairs and got a bowl of water. Running back upstairs, I went into Lexi's room and put the bowl down on the floor. He jumped off the bed and drank some water. Leaving the room, he followed me.

"No boy, stay in here with Lexi." Turning around to leave again, he followed me. "Oh alright." I picked up the bowl of water and walked out the door, with him right behind me. Turning around, I gently closed the door.

Arriving in my room, I put the water on the floor and jumped into bed. I threw a pillow on the floor for him. Closing my eyes, I began falling asleep. I felt weight at the bottom left side of my bed. He had jumped onto my bed. He jumped right next to me and lay down.

I smiled to myself and began petting him. We fell asleep like that.

 I hoped you liked it! I promise to get the next chapter up quicker! And sorry if the stuff about dogs aren't accurate. I love dogs, but I don't have one. My parents aren't really pets kind of people. The picture on the side is of Alexia! ------------------------->>>>

                                                  Until next time,

                                       vballlover00 aka Janet <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2012 ⏰

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