The Signs as Family Members

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Aries: Brings the alcohol to every function

Taurus: Lazy uncle that asks to borrow 20 bucks every time they see you

Gemini: Your parents sibling that lets you get away with everything and accidentally gave you alcohol when you were 8

Cancer: Step parent that tries to get to know you when you clearly don't like them

Leo: Your parents sibling that you go to for advice and when your parents say no so they can back you up

Virgo: The glue that holds the family together

Libra: The try hard dad that doesn't understand his teenage daughter

Scorpio: The sibling that hasn't left their room in three months and you're getting kind of worried

Sagittarius: The problematic family member who starts the party but is also the reason why it ends

Capricorn: Vodka aunt

Aquarius: Never shows up to family functions

Pisces: Annoying cousin that admires you


Uh my dad is a Libra and it's true af?? I was ranting to him about something that happened at school and he didn't understand!! He just gave up and said "I don't understand you"

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