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Ps. I love you.


Song for this chapter:

Forever and always ~ Parachute




so i found a note,

harry gave it to me on our first date

and it said:

i walked into the room, you sat alone at the bar and i thought, she is really beautiful.

i was trying to think of ways how i could talk to you but why would someone so beautiful want to talk to me.

i don't know how but we somehow bumped into one another, maybe it was meant to be. you said, sorry and tucked your hair behind your ear. i said, all good and you nodded your head and headed out the door but i couldn't let you go, you were; are so perfect. i chased you out the door and tapped on your shoulder. "wait. let me buy you a drink." i spoke and you giggled. you let me buy you a drink and that's how it all began, well led to this date but hopefully we can make it further.

and he was right, we did.

maybe a little too far.

ps. i love you



The words, 'wake up sleepy head' echoed in my ear.

The palms of my hands travelled up to my eyes and rubbed softly over my eyelids.

My eyes flickered open, Avery sat in a L shape on our bed. Her head leant against the bed head. She smiled at me, I smiled back.

"I don't remember falling asleep." I laughed and Avery laughed too.

A few strands of her hair fell from behind her ear but my fingers managed to tuck them back before my hand cupped her cheek and my lips touched hers. As our lips touched I could feel the shivers run through her body.

Her lips formed a smile as we pulled away from each other.

Avery threw the covers off of herself and was soon to leave the room.


I left Harry and went into the kitchen.

I took a glass from one of the kitchen cupboards and filled it up with water from the tap.

I hear footsteps from behind me, "Are you feeling better?" Harry's voice speaks.

"Yes. Thank you." I smile ever so slightly

His hands grip around both of my hips and his lips make contact with my left shoulder.

Harry and I used to be so adventurous. Our relationship was full of fun, we'd do so many things like take a trip to Singapore or attempt to make a unique painting that looked like nothing but was still the most beautiful thing, take a walk in the park with a smoothy in our hand but now it's nothing, we hardly leave the house. It's making me feel tired and sad and I don't know how I can fix it. It seems like Harry just thinks our relationship is just like it was before.

I love him, I really do.

Maybe I think to much.

All I want is some adventure and to never let him go.

"Are we falling off the tracks?" My voice breaks.

"What do you mean?" Harry frowns.

"We love each other so much, right? I feel as if our relationship is becoming nothing, it feels boring. You make me smile, I make you smile but that's not enough. Nothing is happening, we used to do everything but now we hardly leave this place, I'm tired and sad about it. I really don't know what to do. I love you so much it hurts and I need you but where is this going?" Tears drop from my eyes.




"I didn't even notice. I love you so much Avery, I'm so sorry." Harry's arms wrap around my figure.

"Selfish." I laugh a little through my tears.

"Let's go get a smoothy." Harry laughs back and all I can hope is that we can fix the little hole that has formed between us.



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Ps. I love youWhere stories live. Discover now