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Ps. I love you




I can remember mine and Harry's first time that we both got a smoothy together.

He ordered a Banana buzz and I got Berry bash.

Not long after we went for a walk in the park.

The soft breeze of Autumn blew my hair back, past my shoulders. Harry took off his coat and sat it over my shoulders and wrapped it around my body. His hand slid down my arm and our fingers intwined.

I wish we could go back but my wishes never come true.

Ps. I love you


Harry and I,

walking hand in hand along thw street making our way to Bamboo Juice.

Things were starting to get awkward between us, it was so sudden. We still loved each other but I felt like Harry just didn't love me the way he used to. He still showed affection but not like he did in the past and I hated it.

Harry's hand slipped away from mine as we walked through the automatic door of the smoothy bar.

The lady behind the counter asked what we wanted, "Banana buzz." Harry said and I, "Berry bash."

Just like on our first date.

I smiled at him, "Why are you smiling at me like that?"

"We ordered exactly what we had on our first time here, together." I believe he never remembered that moment.

"Oh, that's right." Harry replied awkwardly, he was lying.

The lady working, I read her name as Elina on her name tag, passed us our smoothies, we payed then left ready for another walk in silence.

"What is happening to us?" I say after several minutes of no talking.

"I really don't know Avery." Harry shakes his head. "It's all happening so fast and I don't know how to stop it."

"There's gotta be some way we can fix this, right?" I say with nothing but hope but all Harry does is shrug his shoulders.

Maybe after all we're not in love, maybe we're just in love with the fact of being in love.


Hi everyone who reads this which is probably no one :(

I've been thinking and I don't know if I should continue this fanfic because no one likes it and if that's right then it's a waste of my time.

I really don't know what to do, so please leave a comment.

Please vote too.

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