Bundle Up

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After your quick dinner, you headed back to the convention area, smiling as you once again walked through the lobby. But this time, instead of seeing the fancy ladies, you saw people in jeans and flannel, or shirts promoting the love of their show. Instead of the stuffy atmosphere you were used to, it was light hearted, and friendly.

Smiling at a couple of people that waved at you, you made your way past their long lines to the front, where the rest of your crew stood waiting. "Everything is ready to go." Maureen told you, handing you a clipboard, with the latest news and items that needed to be signed off on. Gary was busy prepping his people, and you glanced back to your small group.

"Phillip, is the vendors room set up and ready to go?" You asked the tall, extremely blonde man who was standing quietly off to the side. Besides Maureen, he was the one you trusted the most. 

"Yes. There's a couple of vendors running late, but they should be here by tonight." He said, his voice soft and light.

"Thank you. I knew I could trust you with that." You complimented him.

"Most of the actors will be here tonight, or tomorrow. I've talked to the front desk, and because most of the fans are here, their rooms are already ready and we will meet them at a side entrance with their keys and a bellboy." Maureen told you.

"Really? You would do that?" Gary asked as he came over. "They will appreciate that. Especially Jensen and Jared who will be arriving tomorrow morning."

The rest of the evening went by smoothly. You stood off to the side, overseeing things as the main convention group did their thing, handing out bracelets and lanyards, exchanging tickets. Excited fans headed back to their rooms, some making a beeline for the vendors room.

"I think everything is taken care of. Let's call it a night, meet in my office tomorrow at eight. I'll have coffee." You promised, watching as your group slowly made their way home. You stayed back, making sure everyone had everything they needed until the last convention goer was heading back to their room.

"You better head to bed. Tomorrow's going to be a busy day." Gary told you, yawning himself. His yawn was contagious, and you felt yourself stumbling back, towards your bed room. You didn't even remember changing into your pajama's or falling into bed.


The next morning you were up before the sun, rubbing your eyes, and wishing you could sleep in, for at least one day. But you trudged through, singing in the shower, dressing in your uniform attire of a black pencil skirt and white blouse. A cardigan topped it off, needing something to keep you warm during the chilled winter months. Instead of your flats, you pulled on knee high boots, with thick socks underneath. 

Stopping off at the kitchen, you grabbed a banana and a muffin, needing something fortifying for the day ahead. Slipping into your office, you munched on your food, making sure your order for coffee was placed. You flipped through the day's itinerary. It was a busy day, with making sure the guest's had a ride from the airport to the hotel, food in the green room, and anything else they needed. You had food carts readied to be placed out during panel breaks, and you needed to make sure there were enough servers in the hotel's main restaurant. 

You scribbled another note onto your already crowded paper, just as your crew, and the coffee arrived. "Perfect timing!" You said happily, as they straggled in. 

"How can you be happy so early?" Maureen grumbled, going straight to the coffee. You didn't say anything, even though you were just like her just an hour or two ago.

"So, we have a busy day planned. I'm going to need someone to help greet the guests, and another to monitor the main ballroom. Then someone will need to make sure the lines for autographs and photo ops don't get too crazy, while keeping an eye on the vendor room. Who wants what?" You went through your list quickly. "Oh, and I will work with all of you, taking your jobs so you can take breaks and so forth. I will be the ones to greet the main guests, just in case they are a handful."

After everyone had been assigned a duty, you took a deep breath. "Today is going to be a busy day. I understand that you will be on your feet all day, trying to make everyone happy. But the people we need to worry about right now is our management. Brian is not happy we are holding this here, and he is looking for any reason to have my job. Please keep that in mind, and make sure this doesn't upset our other guests too much."

Maureen gasped, her petite hand moving to cover up her deeply red lips. She was an enigma. With an old fashioned name, Maureen was anything but. She was what you would consider a hipster, but she fit in well with her job, and you loved her like a sister. "They can't do that, can they?"

You nodded. "I'm afraid they can. Brian isn't very happy with me at the moment, but it's not important. What's important is making sure we do a good job without going crazy. Don't forget to message me for anything, no matter how small or trivial."

After answering a couple of questions, you sent them off on their way, before looking down at your watch. You had less than thirty minutes before the two main stars arrived, and you needed to make sure everything was taken care of.

Rushing to the front desk, you were happy to see that Bella was still manning the desk. "Still here?" You asked her, as you came around to stand next to her.

"Yeah. Fred quit, so I pulled a double shift. I don't mind thought. It's fun being here for this convention. I love the show Supernatural." She blabbered, twisting her long, blonde curls around her finger.

"Well, maybe when you can get off I can sneak you in." You promised, loving the way her eyes lit up.

You then spent the next ten minutes going over room numbers with her, writing down who went in each one, taking the keys and placing them in your bag you always carried with you.

"Thank you so much. But you have to promise not to use this knowledge to sneak up into their rooms." You teased her before looking down at your watch. "Oh no! I'm going to be late. That can't happen!" You exclaimed, rushing through the crowded lobby, past a couple of rich ladies talking to a gaggle of young girls with blood splattered on their face.

Down the empty hallway you raced, coming to a stop just as you heard the door clicked open. "And Y/N, our event manager should be here to meet you, and see to your needs."

You heard a muffled thanks before the door pushed open and in walked the two handsome men you had researched last night. Taking a deep breath and straightening your skirt, you walked forward, holding out your hand. "Hello, you must be Jared and Jensen. It's nice to meet you."

You waited, expecting a slew of complaints and demands to head your way, but instead you heard a deep, smooth and warm as whiskey voice speak softly next to you. "Nice to meet you. Hopefully this convention won't be too much trouble for you."

You could detect a hint of a Texas accent in that deep voice, and you tilted your head up, along the wide expanse of a chest covered in a navy wool pea coat, a blur and gray scarf smartly tucked inside. Up, past a firm chin covered in a light stubble, to those lips that just begged to be nibbled on. You finally made your way to his eyes, so green they were like grass. And they were staring down at you, a light happiness in them.

"Um, it's, I mean." You said, before getting yourself together. "I'm actually looking forward to this convention. It's something new for our hotel and we're doing it for a good cause."

He smiled down at you, and you felt your mouth grow dry at the sight. He might be extremely handsome, but with a smile he could drop panties at a hundred yards away.

"If you don't mind Miss, we would like our room keys. These boys go on in less than an hour." another man, a big man said, moving forward.

"Oh, of course. We have you on the top floor, side by side rooms. If you need anything, anything at all, please don't hesitate to ask me. Here's my card, it has my number, and I'm here 24/7."

You could have sworn you saw a small frown on Jensen's face before he reached out and took the key from you. His hand skimmed yours, and you shivered at the connection, finding yourself once again without words.

"See you soon." Jensen promised as the tall, bald man led the way, Jared following, then Jensen took the rear.

"Snap out of it. You've seen pretty men before." You told yourself. And while it was true that you've seen many handsome men, rich too, none had affected you quite like Jensen did. And you had only met him for five minutes, at the most.

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