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She sat there awaiting for the little infant to enter the room. His grandfather holding his grandson for the last few seconds released his grip. Giving him towards the couple. 

He has finally accepting the fact that he was going to give up his grandson; for the greater good. It wasn't about the him anymore. It wasn't about being the grandfather for his grandson. 

Old brittle bones, sick clogged up lungs and an obscured vision limiting what he's able to see. He knew he wasn't physically capable of taking care of a newborn. 

He knew that Levi and Hanji could provide something better for little the little child, and that was family. He was willing to give his happiness away for that.

He handed the small infant towards them. Just a couple of days before his mother passed from birth complications. A small baby boy was born. Only spending a couple of days at the home. He  was already up for adoption. 

 Adopted by Levi and Hanji. The baby as small as ever he was fragile. Only a few days old. Hanji held him with the greatest care.

"His name is Armin." The man uttered as Hanji held him in her arms. It was a feeling unlike any other. A feeling that couldn't be described in words. 

The feeling of holding your newborn child for the first time. The infant partially blind but aware his surroundings he looked around. He was just as cute as she imagined him to be. She beamed holding the small infant. Hanji was overjoyed to have a child she could call her own. It was love unlike any other. 

Levi maintaining distance from the small infant. Curiosity began to overcome him. All his life Levi never seen someone quite small as him. His wife smiling across the room urged Levi to come over.

He made his way towards Hanji. She was overjoyed of Armin. He raised a brow just realizing how small he was. 

His tiny features and his fingers. Levi peering towards Armin. He took his finger. The small infant grasping it. The infant stirred from his slumber shifted the position of his head. His eyes met with Levi's.

A subtle dark grey meeting with a vibrant ocean blue. His short blonde hair was small and soft compared to is father's or his mothers. Though Armin didn't look anything like Levi or Hanji. But the two instantly took a liking towards Armin.

Hanji began speaking towards Armin. Bouncing him lightly while he cooed. "Hi...nice you little guy-" Hanji began.

Levi gazing towards the little guy. "The brat is going to be short." Levi uttered as Hanji laughed. "You mean like you?"

Looking towards Hanji he always knew that he was going to get discredited for his height when he was around his wife. Whose taller than him. But it was his son. Someone who Levi could at least relate to in some way. If height was going to be how they were related. Than it was alright.

"I just hope our son isn't an obnoxious four eyes, like you." He spoke as Hanji laughed.

"I hope he's not going to be that much of a neat freak." Hanji mentions.

"He'll have to be." He muttered. "I'm not cleaning up after two of you." Hanji and Levi speaking just about how Armin's future would be made Armin's grandfather smile. 

The two reminded him so much of a new young couple. Just as his real mother and father should be- Armin was going to have a great life with them.  His grandfather had made a great decision of giving Armin away. He had no regrets. 

The two sat there and Levi began to hold Armin as Hanji began to sign the legal documents. She looks towards the old man who signed his name on the signature. She signed it as well placing the papers in a folder she smiled. It was actually happening. They were going to take home their son for the first time. 

She took the man's hand and looked towards him. The old man could barely see her through his blurred vision.

"Mister Arlert." Hanji spoke. "Thank you for this oppourtunity." She said as the old man nodded. "It's what's best for Armin. You both seem like great people and I bet he'll love it there."
He said. Looking towards his grandson for the last time. He was heading to the hospital soon and Armin needed to leave before his cataracts are removed. He was to remain at the hospital for the rest of his days. 

The small infant was about to leave just about everything behind. He would have no past. But he would have a future which was what his grandfather was aiming for. They could both relate to his sacrifices. As the man's last dying wish he stopped the couple in the threshold before they left. 

"Just please do me a favor will you two?" The two just ready for about anything nodded.

"I want you to be there. Take Armin with you at my funeral." He says. Make sure to tell him about his families sacrifice for him." Levi nodding to the old man's request. "Tell him how great of a grandfather I was. Make sure you tell I approved the both of you as parents." He uttered as they made their way towards the car. 

Levi, Hanji and his grandfather were to meet again. Only after he had died though. The two were both silent in the car. Arlert's words echoed through their minds. That was probably the last day they would both see him alive. Hanji in the backseat along with the small carrier which held the newborn. 

She sat there. Levi glancing from the front just to see if Hanji and Armin were alright. As greatful as Hanji was to have Armin there was also an emotional guilt eating her away at her. She didn't know what to feel-

"You're crying." He mentions. Hanji removing the tears from her face. In her flustered emotions. The guilt over came her. "Agh it's just I feel that were taking Armin away from his grandfather."

"He approved of our adoption Hanji." Levi said. "The old man is going blind we can't just give the brat back like that." 

"I just feel the need to bring Armin back to his grandfather." Hanji says. Glancing towards Levi in the reaerview mirror. "I can't imagine how painful it is to give up a child just because you simply aren't capable of doing it." 

"It's painful." Levi says. Pointing out the bruise on Hanji's head while he did. "It's like the injury that you've got from yesterday. Painful. But-"

"You learn something." He says. Hanji laughing she turned towards the small infant. Her finger caressing his cheek. 

"You've gained something from this experience. Take good care of this child from now on. It's an old man's last dying wish." Levi mentions. The car remaining silent once more. Hanji leaning back on the seat she exhaled. Fathoming the fact that they're coming home with a child
was still hard to grasp. It was unbelievable that Armin was with them now. 

They Grow Up So Fast | Attack On Titan/ Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now