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She stood there. Hanji's face pressed up against the glass. The small child in the room instantly caught her attention. The infant was hysterical. Crying over the fact that she was alone.  Left in the witness room. The police had taken her in just a few hours ago. 

Hanji couldn't help but notice her. Maybe it was just because of Armin. Hanji had cared so much for him that her motherly instincts have kicked in. 

She glanced towards him behind her. Three o'clock in the morning and the small baby was up and awake. 

 Armin had regained some strength over time and it's been approximately three months since Armin's adoption. Levi and Hanji still a newly married couple brought Armin everywhere they could. 

He was quiet so it wasn't that much of a hassle to bring him to work at four in the morning. When Levi was busy Hanji would read her inexplicable notes towards Armin. When Hanji was busy Levi would put Armin down for a nap or just watch the quiet child move his arms and legs around. 

  Levi protesting that reading the infant incomprehensible words were 'idiotic' but Armin seemed to be intrigued. Plus it was basically multitasking for her. The infant was only small so she could rock and read in one hand.

Armin got used to the noise that would be made so it was no trouble to have him sleeping in the living room while they screamed, shouted or laughed which was particularly Hanji's fault. It wasn't as much of a hassle since their insomnia also helped with the infants sleeping issues. 

  Armin, the newborn infant instantly drew attention towards the other comrades around them. Friends were a huge help too. Nanaba took Armin off of Levi's hands beginning to muse the small infant.   

However like all infants. There came variety and she was different. Definitely. They've never met an infant that cried quite like the one inside the room.  Non-stop crying for at least twelve minutes. Nobody really came to her need. She was the only one thrashing about.

Mikasa was the child's name. Hanji couldn't help but stare. Levi speaking towards Erwin as he held Armin in his arms. 

Hanji glancing back towards Armin. He was perfectly fine, just how a child should be. However Mikasa was not. 

The small child in the vacant hospital room had cried for days because of the pain and the trauma. Hanji could understand. She was the subject of a second degree murder. She would've been murdered if it wasn't for her mother hiding her daughter in such an ingenious place. In the laundry basket. 

It was something that seemed like it could've came out of a horror movie. Her parent's murdered in the scene of the crime. Two were found dead. Hidden in hiding from the human traffickers. Her parents were being fined because of unspoken issues. 

Hanji's eyes widened. To find a murder like that was unspeakable. The child left alone in the room. Crying. Hanji wanted to help- but she couldn't. The glass had separated her. Hanji never knew she felt the urge to help a crying child before. 

 Levi finally finished speaking to Erwin about the matter. Levi crossed his arms and Hanji looked towards Levi pointing out the helpless child across the room from him. Levi rolled his eyes. 

"I just want to hold her." Hanji mentioned. Erwin giving Hanji a dumbfounded look. She was a forensic scientist working for a public security service known as the Survey Corps. Erwin the head investigator had all authority over what happened in the building. The Survey Corps headquarters was no place for a child and the child was still crying. 

Levi glanced towards Erwin. Erwin glancing towards Levi than back to Hanji. Levi threateningly glared towards Erwin because he knew that once Hanji held that child- 

"She's definitely going to fall for the brat." Levi mentioned. Erwin sighing. He directed his attention towards the room and Hanji who already entered the room. She held the child. Erwin looking towards Levi who stared back towards Hanji. With the child in her hands she stared towards Levi her eyes pleading for some recognition. Levi crossed his arms looking at his wife through the glass. 

He looked directly across from her and the sound of Mikasa's cries died out once Hanji held her. Levi shook his head. It's only been three months since they've adopted Armin. Another child was up for adoption once again.  The child in the room. Mikasa. 

It was yet another oppourtunity for Hanji to take. Levi and Hanji only really planned for one child. Taking care of two infants was going to be a hassle. Mikasa was a small baby. Just like Armin. 

Jet black hair and pale skin. Mikasa only longed to be held by someone. Levi scowled at the thought of two children. He knew his limit and he could only manage so much. 

She approached the glass while Levi pointed towards the child. Hanji beamed, Levi finally coming to his senses- He pointed back towards the carrier that she was in. He wanted the small child back in the carrier before anymore problems happened. 

Mikasa is an Ackerman isn't she Levi? Erwin questioned. Levi turning towards him. Erwin smiled. It seemed he was on board with the whole 'take in another child' thing as well. 

It was true. Levi and Mikasa were related. Somehow- they managed to share the same last name. Levi has met the parent's before too. He's heard many things come from Mikasa's father. It was only momentarily though. 

"After all you both are technically related." 



"No, Hanji." He said as she brought the infant to Levi. Levi glared at her. She just smiled back. He held Mikasa. Quiet. Just how Levi wanted it. He gazed towards her. Clearly recalling he was only going to take in ONE child. 

He sighed. Glancing towards Hanji and Erwin. He looked back towards Mikasa scoffing. 

Levi and Hanji left the scene of the crime. Erwin securing the Ackerman household just until morning. Levi was at the wheel he sighed. Clicking in Armin's carseat both Armin and Mikasa asleep. 

He looked towards Hanji holding Mikasa in her arms. 

"You sure she's going to be safe without a seat?" He says. Hanji nodding. "Definitely." 

He started the ignition and placed the car on start. They returned home with yet another child in hand. 

They Grow Up So Fast | Attack On Titan/ Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now