One Couple - Two Views

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 Zayn's POV: - 7pm -

I was driving home from a hard work day. I didn't like my job, I was doing all this only for Demi and of course for me. Demi is my wife. We're married for almost two years now. Her parents only allowed me to marry her when I have a good job. I parked the car seeing Harry's car. Harry is my best friend by the way. I was thinking about what he already wanted here when I was clearly not at home yet? I got out of the elevator getting my keys out and opening the door. I walked in mine and Demi's apartment as I put off my jacket. “Demi?” I called for her walking into our living room. No Demi and no Harry? Maybe it wasn't his car. I had a hard day and was already too tired. I walked in our bedroom and saw something I never wanted to see in my entire life. I saw them; my wife Demi and my best friend Harry on our bed! I couldn't bear this image for another second so I yelled. 'What is going on here?' Both suddenly stopped and looked at me. Harry sighed while Demi was crying. Yeah, too late for that Demi. She had no shirt on but still her bra on, guess I interrupted them in an early stage – today. Who knows what they were doing all the others days. She grabbed her shirt putting it on while running to me and saying desperately. 'It's not like it looks like! I swear you just have to give me a chance to explain.' I couldn't look her in the eyes. I heard Harry getting off the bed and closing his pants. Anger built up in me, with two steps I was in front of him. “How dare you!” I yelled at him but he only laughed lightly. I hit him in his face before he left the room, still having a smile on his face. A smile I never saw before. A kind of dirty evilly smile? I felt a hand on my shoulder. “Zayn?” I heard Demi's soft voice that wasn't soft at all any more, it was shaky and broken, you also could hear a hint of fear and desperation. I couldn't look at her nor be close to her. I pushed Demi away from me. I couldn't believe her! How could she do that to me? With my best friend?! I left her alone in our room and walked in the living room. I sat down on the couch, hearing her cry. I thought she was happy with me! I thought she loved me! I did everything for her and she?! She cheated on me with my best friend! And Harry? How could he? I knew him for such a long time and now this. The two people I loved the most broke my heart. I closed my eyes thinking about the two as I remembered the way Harry reacted. This smile. You don't reacted like this when you get caught cheating! You just don't!

Demi's POV: - 7pm -

Zayn was working and I was scared that Harry might come over. Harry is his best friend and believe it or not he's raping me! It all started two months ago. Zayn and me throw a party and Harry and Louis drunk way too much. I didn't want them to stay in our house since my parents were there also. Who wants drunk people to stay over night when your parents are over? Right, no one. Louis and Harry lived in opposite directions, so I drove Harry home and Zayn Louis. If I knew what I know now I would've brought Louis home. As I got Harry up to his apartment he started touching me I tried to push him off and ignore it, telling myself he's only doing it because he's drunk. As we reached his bedroom he pushed me on his bed and almost raped me but his drunk self was too weak to actually do something. I never told Zayn about it. Now I wish I'd have told him but it's too late. A week later after my parents left and Zayn was working. I could hear someone walking in our apartment. I knew it was Harry. Zayn trusted him and gave him the keys. If he just knew what his best friend was going to do to me he'd have never gave him the keys. On this day Harry raped me for the very first time. I never told Zayn, he knew Harry before he met me I was just scared that he might not believe me.

I was cooking as I heard someone walking in our apartment. It was too early to be Zayn. Immediately I started to panic. I turned off the oven and walked out of the kitchen. My destination was the bathroom. Sometimes I lock myself in the bathroom. That's the only room Harry could not get me. After a while he would leave and I would wait in the bathroom until Zayn was back from work. Today I guess I walked to slowly because I felt two hands grabbing me by my waist. I screamed as I heard Harry whispering in my ear. “Got you.” I started crying trying to push him off but Harry is not drunk any more. He was too strong for me. He pushed me up and carried me in my bedroom. Me still trying to get away from him. He didn't talk any more he just pushed me in the bed and started to kiss my neck. I cried and begged him to stop but he didn't listen to me! You can scream and yell as much as you want your rapist won't stop. You can cry hope he will feel sorry but it will only get him made. He slapped me across my face telling me to shut up and then he took my shirt off. I heard someone coming in. This just could be Zayn! He was also way too early today. No! This can't be happening. I can't lose my husband, I can't lose Zayn! I begged Harry to stop but it was already too late. 'What is going on here?' Zayn yelled angry. Harry finally stopped, sighing. I grabbed my shirt running to Zayn and said crying. 'It's not like it looks like! I swear you just have to give me a chance to explain.' he couldn't look me in the eye. As Harry got of the bed Zayn walked up to him and yelled at him. “How dare you!” but all that Harry did was laugh lightly which earned him a hit across the face. This didn't irritate Harry at all he kept his smile and left. I walked up to Zayn putting my hand slowly on his shoulder. “Zayn?” I said with my shaky voice but Zayn only pushed me away and walked into the living room. I fell on the ground and cried. Cried all my heart out. What am I supposed to do now? I could try to explain to him but now after all this he would not believe me a word! Not at all.

Zayn's POV:

I still was thinking about Demi and Harry. I just couldn't believe it! I walked to our kitchen wanting to get a beer. I opened the fridge and got a bottle out. I opened it and took a sip then closed the fridge again and looked at the oven. Great, she cooked for him as well! I leaned against the wall staring at the oven. Demi always said that she loves me, that she never wanted to lose me. How could she cheat on me then? And why the hell did Harry act so strange?! I thought and thought until my head was almost exploding. I throw the bottle against the oven yelling my anger out. I kept staring at the oven until I realised the food in the oven was only half done and it was my favourite meal. Why would she cook my favourite meal for Harry when he didn't like it at all? I tried to remember the situation again even though I never wanted to think about Harry and Demi being in the same bed ever again and then it hit me! Demi already cried when I came in and it didn't seem like she was enjoying it! No, NO! Harry would never – or would he? He would! Or? I turned to the door. The only way to find out was asking Demi! I walked to our bedroom seeing Demi packing her stuff. I stopped at the door frame and asked her one simple question. 'Did Harry rape you?'

Demi's POV:

I cried and cried and couldn't stop to cry. I lost my husband, my life, my love! I didn't know why Harry did that to me. Suddenly there were no tears to cry any more. I stood up and got a luggage out from my closet and started to pack my stuff. How can I expect from Zayn to forgive me? He thinks I cheated on him, of course he will never forgive me. Slowly I started to put my clothes in the luggage as I heard glass crashing. I stopped for a second should I check on him? No. Demi! You're the last person he wants to see now. I tried not to break down again and kept packing until a voice stopped me from moving at all. I even stopped breathing. 'Did Harry rape you?' I didn't react to him. I couldn't move nor breath. How did he find out? I turned to him. He was standing at the door frame. His eyes showing how confused, angry and desperate he was. I shook my head. “It doesn't matter.” I whispered putting the clothes I had in my hands on the bed. Zayn quickly walked to me taking harshly my wrists. “It does Demi! IT DOES!” I looked down at our hands as he kept talking. “It would explain why you lately flinch whenever I try to kiss you, to touch you! It would explain why you always feel uncomfortable with Harry around you! It would explain everything! But mostly it would prove that you love me and never cheated on me.” The last sentence he only whispered. I just started crying again not able to talk at all. My knees felt weak and after a second I broke down. I couldn't hold my feelings back any more. All the days Harry raped me, all the touches, the scars. I felt Zayn kneeing next to me hugging me tight.

After 15 minutes I slowly calmed down. “Since when?” He asked. “Our last party.” I chocked out. I felt Zayn tighten his grip around me obviously getting angrier. “Why didn't you tell me?” “I was scared you wouldn't believe me, wouldn't see me the way you used to see me. Scared you would leave me...” Zayn didn't talk any more. He only hugged me tighter, planting a kiss on my forehead.

Author's POV: - 3 months later -

Demi finally sued Harry, which made him go to jail. Zayn and her left the country as Demi wasn't feeling safe at all. Now the couple was living a happy life again. Zayn had a job he loved to do and Demi was getting back to normal from day to day.

Okay, this is a one shot so there will be no other part. I felt like doing a “rape” themed one shot because there are a lot of stories out there that include a rapist but in their stories the victim falls in love with her rapist which would never happen in real life. I think it's sad and a bit disrespectful towards real life victims to write stories about rape and make a victim fall in love with him. So I wanted to write it and yeah, hope you liked it if you did. Comment, Vote and Follow :)


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