Chapter 17

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"What makes you think I'm going to get hurt?" Diana asked. "Anyone who gets close...dies." He says. "I lost my sister... Jason...and I can't afford to lose you Diana."

"You won't lose me." Diana whispers. "I'm still here aren't I?"

Pyra POV

Flash and I had played a little bit of chess for a little then he had to leave. I was so bored and there was nothing to do. I just sat there staring at the stars. It looked so beautiful up here.

I found my inner peace. I kept walking. Shyera walked by and sat down. "Hey kiddo." She said. "Hey." I replied back. "Your in a good mood." I told her. "Really? I haven't noticed." She said setting up the chess board. "Ok fine. Don't tell me, when I find out whatever is making you act this way..." I said laughing. "Wanna play?" She asked avoiding my comment. "Yes but...I want to know more about Thanagar."

"Why?" She asked tucking a lose strand of hair behind her ear. "I've only seen the streets of Russia and the watch tower. I don't get out much if you've noticed."

"Ok um...what do you want to know?" She says. I smile and take a seat across from her. "I don't know... Everything I guess."

She laughed and nodded as I moved my pawn.

I listened carefully at her words. My face full of amazement as she spoke of her planet.

"Would you ever go back to Thanagar?" I asked. "Maybe...I don't know. I lime it here a lot." John walked passed with Batman and Superman. "Hello Shyera." John said. "Hi." She said back. "Or some people." I muttered. Superman must have heard me because he laughed. "Checkmate." I said smiling. "I win you lose."

Shyera looked at me. "Shutup." She laughed standing. "I'll be in the training area if you need me." She called. John watched Ber walk away.

We all stared at him. "What are you looking at." He asked. "I think she might need some help with the simulator." Superman said. "Its the perfect job for a green Lantern." I added. "Ok then I'll see you later." With that he walked off.

Superman and I burst out laughing. Batman smiled a bit. "Its no secret that they both are in a relationship." Said Batman setting up the chess board.

"They think we are so stupid." I laughed. "We knew it would happen eventually." Superman said. Batman moved his chess piece. "I think its kinda cute." I say. "What about you Clark." I asked. "Seeing anyone we don't know about?"

"No." He said. I looked at Batman and moved my bishop. "Are you Americans say, crushing on anyone?"

"Well..." He started. "I bet I know who it is." I say. "She's that amazing woman in Red white and blue. Where's a Tiara with a red star on it." I say laughing. "Well, it looks like the cats out of the bag." He says to me as Batman moves his pawn.

"You two would be perfect together. She's single and I think she'd really like going in a date with you."

"Vy mozhete ostanovit' seychas" ( you can stop now)
Said batman a little annoyed.
"pochemu eto imeyet znacheniye. eto ne tak, kak vy sobirayetes' sprosit' yeye." (Why does it matter. It's not like you were going to ask her out."

"Ne v etom delo"

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