Chapter 1: Mask Unraveling

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Naruto sighed as felt the blow of another villager. He didn't cry, seeing as he had dealt with this his whole life just in different forms. It all started with teasing, then it escalated to isolation, and before you knew it he was against the wall being impaled with kunai. 'I wonder if they're going to use any jutsu' Naruto pondered with a bored sigh. 

        Finally, the villagers begun to leave angered by his unresponsiveness. Naruto got up slowly hoping not to open his stitches again. "Oi Kurama, get up lazy ass." Naruto called to the 9 tailed fox, who was at this time sleeping somewhere in the corner of his mind. "What is it this time kit." A deep gravelly voice called back. Naruto grinned happily at the fox's response.

        "Where were you I was starting get a little bored?" Naruto questioned. Though Naruto knew the reason, he still questioned every time.

          "......Kit you know I hate it when they torture you." Kurama said. Naruto could hear the anger in Kurama's fox. Naruto hummed in response "Kurama, you know I can't just go around killing everyone for what they did to me. I have to keep up my mask remember?" Kurama grunted before fading back into the dark depths of Naruto's mind. Naruto finally getting to his feet, started on the long journey back to his apartment. Naruto hummed softly as he limped towards the red distract where his house was located. (Naruto didn't receive a house from the the third hokage. He bought it himself.) Slowly a strong smell of blood made its way up Naruto's nose.

Naruto couldn't help but purr in satisfaction. Slowly his teeth lengthened and his whisker marks became more defined. Naruto turned his now red feline eyes toward the direction of the smell. Naruto quietly stalked toward the dark alleyway flicking his tongue over his lips in excitement. "Well, well what do we have here?" Naruto slyly asked eyes lighting up wickedly at the sight before him. There, sat a man leaning against the wall with a large wound in his arm. The man's eyes widened in horror as he stared at the demon like creature that stood before him. Naruto's smile widened insanely as he scraped his nails along the wall, while he slowly made his way towards his prey.

"Such a delectable little human" Naruto purred insanely. Man backed into the wall as he felt Naruto's nails slid down his skin drawing blood.

"Please, I have a family!" the man pleaded. Naruto purred louder at the man's pleads. "Plead louder." Naruto demanded "I do love it when my prey pleads for their life, even though they know it is useless." Naruto whispered in the man's ear. Before the man could even blink Naruto slid his nails through his neck. Naruto watched boredly as the man fell. Naruto licked the blood off his nails and walked home.

"What a delectable human indeed" Naruto purred.


Hoped you liked it, I just let all my creative nightmares collided on this one! Can't wait to take you on another one of my sadistic insane adventures. Bye. ;D

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