Chapter 2: Day of Graduation

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(I am going to try to update every other day. So, be on the lookout for that. Also there is some serious Sakura bashing so sorry if you don't like it. On with the story.)

Naruto woke up with a groan. 'Another day of acting like a dimwitted idiot.' Naruto thought itha sigh. Naruto slowly got up and shrugged on the kill me orange jumpsuit. He padded slowly to the kitchen and grab a banana. He walked out house and locked the door. He kept his emotionless expression onto slowly he reached the edge of the red light district. Naruto placed on his idiotic facade and started to skip to the academy happily.

"To fail or not to fail" Naruto hummed softly to Kurama. "It's up to you kit." Kurama growled "Now leave to my beauty rest." He commanded. Naruto snickered before finally silencing. Naruto continued to hummed 'cheerily' as he continued his walk towards the acadmey.

'What to do, what to do. So many choices!' Naruto sang softly. Slowly Naruto skidded to a stop in front of the door to the classroom. He walked in with his usual fake cheery mask. He sat in his usual seat behind duckass.

Naruto growled in annoyance when he heard the all too familiar screeching voice of his supposedly 'crush'. Naruto quickly threw on his 'love sick' face. "Sakura-chan! After this do you wanna get ramen with me?" Naruto cried out. Sakura scoffed in annoyance.
          "Naruto even though I'm gorgeous, it gives you no right to think we're even on the same level! Baka!" She screeched while bunking Naruto on the head.

"Goddamn sociopathic bitch! How dare that peasant lay a hand on me. I'll take my claws and shove them right through her huge forehead!" Naruto growled in annoyance. "Kit though that is very amusing I think you should get up its time for your test" Kurama chuckled.

"So it is." Naruto mused taking a huge mood swing.
   "Bipolar much."
"Shut up you big fox!" Naruto huffed. Naruto walked back to the exam room 'excitedly'. As soon as Naruto saw the white haired shinobi he had his decision.

   He was going to fail and oh would it be so fun. Naruto' grin slowly widened showing his sharp canines.

      "So much fun."
(Sorry it's short I know. Umm tell me in the comments if I should do you the original scene with Mizuki or should I change it up where Naruto hunts him down and stuff. It's your opinion Mmkay bye.)

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