Story #2

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So, basically this is my story.

Back in my freshman year of high school, I went through this really bad time. It was in January and one of my best friends that I thought I could trust with anything, stabbed me in the back. She managed to make someone call me an awful person, she made me cry pretty much all day at school that day,etc.

Because of that, I was very insecure in the following months. Insecurity pretty much ruled my life. I would look in a mirror and absolutely loathe at what stared back. Fat, ugly, disappointment, failure, etc were reoccurring words in my head. They seemed to be a part of me. I couldn't get them out. I'd hate what I looked like everyday, no matter how many people told me that I looked gorgeous or beautiful. I didn't believe them.

Then summer rolled around and I got to go to church camp in Missouri. I remember the night of the second day I was there. I had brought my best friend along with me and it seemed to me that people liked her a lot more than me. I was in the bathroom about to take a shower and I had said to myself that they didn't like me because I was ugly. And annoying. Why would they?

Then the next day rolled around and we did something called night life that night. And boy was it an eye opening experience. We had a lesson that night called "Embrace it" ironically enough, and that night, I just let everything go. I realized that I shouldn't care about looks of anything like that. The beauty inside is what matters. And that everyone is gorgeous in their own way! A huge weight lifted off my shoulders and it hasn't been back since. And I don't plan on it returning anytime soon!

This is for all of those people going through insecurities. You are beautiful, darling! Don't let your own brain stop you from realizing what you are. And that's gorgeous.

Teenagerfictioner (AKA head of the #suicideisnottheanswer project)

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