Chapter 17: If it Fits...

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It's two days before the Benson Family Christmas Ball, and I'm at Crowning Moments in Muskogee with Mrs. Benson, my Aunt Mallerie, my cousin Stella, Lea, Stacey, Mikayla, and Vanessa along for the ride. Once we get there we head inside and meet Mrs. Benson's friend that owns the place, Kathy Long.

"Hi, Amy," Kathy chimes.

"Hey, Kathy," Amy replies, "how've you been?"

"Pretty good. Business as usual, you know?"


"So, I hear you've booked a session to get a couple dresses? Is it for you?"

"Yes and no. Yes I booked a session, but the dresses aren't for me. This is Abigail."

"Hello," I said holding my hand out to her, "the dresses are for me."

"Hello there, Abigail," she replied shaking my hand, "I hope I can help you pick out a couple dresses today."

"Thank you very much."

"Now, let's head on back here and see what we can find." We started walking back into the presentation room as she was explaining what was going to happen.

"Now, I'll bring Abi back with me, and everyone else can stay here and get comfortable for a bit. Amy, are there any rules you want for us to consider?"

"For one, they've gotta be elegant but appropriate... No cleavage falling out, they've gotta be ball gown style, and stuff like that. Second, we need a festive dress or two for the holidays and the rest in whatever color Abi wants. As for the budget, I don't mind as long as Abi and the rest of us agree with the dress and an individual dress doesn't cost a million dollars."

"Alright then," Kathy said clapping her hands together, "let's go get you some dresses, Abigail."

"Let's do this," I replied rubbing my hands together. This caused everyone to laugh, but I was pretty excited for this. I felt like I was shopping for a wedding even though it was for a couple balls and possibly prom. We eventually went back to a room full of dresses. Wedding dresses, prom dresses, ball gowns, the whole nine yards was in this one room. We went over to the prom dress section to search for my dresses, and there were so many different colors and styles.

"Now, we'll search for festive dresses first. Do you see any you like?"

I looked at all the possible festive dresses there were, but none of them really stood out. Then, after searching through the racks, I finally found the perfect festive dress. I just stared at it in awe, afraid that if I touched it, then it would evaporate.

"That's a good choice," Kathy said, "do you wanna try it on?"

"I'd love to," I replied. I took the dress off the rack and went with Kathy to a fitting room. She told me not to look in a mirror yet so it would be a surprise. When the dress was finally on, she spun me around and I opened my eyes. The dress was absolutely beautiful. It fit my figure perfectly, showing it off as well, and the emerald color suited me well.

"I-I don't know what to say..."

"You look amazing. Let's go show the others, shall we?" All I could do was nod. I was amazed at the stranger before me. She was so beautiful... unlike me, whether people say I'm beautiful or not. So, we went back to the girls and I stepped on the platform and spun around like a model. Everyone was in complete awe, so I'm gonna guess they loved it as much as I did. Everyone said something along the lines of "you look amazing," "beautiful," etc.

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