Chapter 3

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It's been a month since Bruce has taken us in. Bruce has treated us like we were his own. Bruce signed Dick up for school a few days ago. While Dick is at school and Bruce is at work, Alfred watches me. He takes me to the park at least once a week.

Alfred and I picked up Dick from school, Alfred took us the park. Dickie became friends with a girl named Jazz and she is 7 just like Dick. She is really sweet and pretty.

"Do you want to see if you can come over and play?" Dick and Jazz nodded.

Jazz went to asked her parents and Dick and I went to ask Alfred.

"Hey, Alfie?" Dick said walking to Alfred

"Yes, Master Richard." Alfred answer.

"Can we have a friend come over, Alfie?" Dick asked.

"I don't see why not, Master Richard," Alfred answered with a smile.

Dick and I met Jazz by the swings and told each other the answer we got.

"My mom said 'yes'." Jazz told us as we started walking towards Jazz's mom.

"Alfred said 'I don't see why not'," Dick told Jazz as we got closer to Jazz's mom.

We were just a few feet in front of Jazz's mom. She was wearing a blue jumpsuit. Jazz introduced us and she was very sweet.

Alfred walked over and asked, "is it ok if Jazz came over?" Her mom said "yes."

"Here is the address and our number," Alfred said as he handed her a piece of paper. She read the paper.

"Thank you and what time do you want me to pick up Jazz?" She asked.

"Whenever" Alfred answered, "she is more than welcome stay the night as well."

"I'm Maddie by the way," Maddie said. "I'm Alfred" Alfred responded.

As we walked to the car (well actually it's a limo) Jazz looked shocked when she saw the car.

"You own a limo?!" Jazz asked.

"Yeah" I answered, "but it's our dad's  limo."

When we got to the house Jazz asked: "Bruce Wayne is your dad?!" Dickie and I laughed "yeah" Dick responded. Dickie and I couldn't stop laughing at Jazz's reaction.

It was probably about 7 when Alfred came in and asked: "would you like to stay for the night, Mistress Jazz?" Jazz had a big smile on her face and quickly nodded. "Ok, I'll go let Master Bruce know we are having a guest for the night." He said and left the room.

Dick, Jazz and I were playing in Dick's room and Bruce came in to check on us.

"Tati!" I yelled running to Bruce.

"Hey, baby girl." He said as he picked me up and hugged me. "You must be our little guest for the night. I am Bruce their father."

"I'm Jazz." She said shyly.

"It's very nice to meet you, Jazz," Bruce said as he put me back on the ground.

Sorry I didn't post last week I was busy with school, but I am posting double today


Word count 504

Remember to stay whelmed and feel the aster, my little birdies

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