Chapter 4

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After Jazz left Dick and I were playing in my room, when Alfie called us for dinner.

"Race ya!" I asked excitedly.

"Ok, but no acrobatics" Dick told me.

"Why?" I asked disappointed.

"It's cheating!" Dick said.

"How? I can do the same tricks you can do." I said.

"Just no acrobatics!" Dick said.

"Fine." I sighed.

I made it to the dining room before Dick. I ran to the sat right next to tati.

"Where's Dick, Dani?" Tati asked me. 

"Right there." I said as I pointed to the doorway "I won!"

"Here's your food, Mistress Danielle," Alfie said as he places the plate in front of me.

"Thank you, Alfie," I said with a smile.

Alfie had made us lasagna and homemade mac & cheese. I just love Alfie's cooking.

- - - - Time Skip - - - -

"Dani!" tati yelled "bath-time... Danielle  Grayson-Wayne-" 

"Coming, tati." I yelled back.

After my bath tati got me ready for bed. He picked me up and carried me to the living room and called Dick down so we could watch a movie.  We watched "The Boxtrolls" and when it was over it was about 9:30.

"Ok, you two off to bed now, it's late." Tati told us. "Good night, love you two."

"Night," Dick and I said together "love you, tati."

We walked to our rooms and said our good nights to each other. Once my head hit my pillow I was sound asleep. A little after I fell asleep I felt someone/thing touch me. I rolled over and asked "tati?" but no answer "Dick?" I asked this time and again no answer. I was starting to get a little scared.

"Tati?" I asked a little louder.

"Not yet, little one." I heard a male say.

"Tati!" I yelled as I started shaking.

"Shh, I'm going to take you to your dad." a female voice said.

"Dic-mmm!" I screamed as someone put their hand over my mouth.

"He said be quiet." I heard the female whispered to me.

The male grabbed my hands and tied them. The female put something over my mouth and tied it. She picked me up and carried me to the window and handed me to the man and climbed out.

"We're going to adopt you, sweetie." She said as placed me into a car-seat. She took off the rope and the thing over my mouth.

After she buckled me in, I started to cry and shake uncontrollably. 'Adopt me? What do they mean adopt me, Bruce has adopted me' I thought to myself.

"Sweetie, you need to calm down or going to get sick." She said sweetly. 

"Eu nu vorbesc limba engleză (I don't speak English)" I told them weakly.

The female sat in the back with me and the male got in and started it. The car ride was not that long probably about 20-30 minutes but it felt like forever to me.

"We're here, sweetie," she said as she got me unbuckled and took me out of the car. "Come on, sweetie this way."

"Unde mergem (Where are we going)?" I asked as we walked towards a building.

When we walked into the building she turned on the lights and for the first time I saw who she was, she was Jazz's mom... Maddie right? 

"Maddie?" I asked looking up at her.

"Oh sweetie call me mom," she said "yes, that is my name."

"Esti mama lui Jazz, Maddie (Are you Jazz's mom, Maddie?)" I asked. Maddie looked at when she heard me say Jazz's name.

"Do you know my daughter?" She asked looking at me confused, I nodded. "Can you speak English?" I shook my head no.

"Vreau si Dick tati. (I want tati and Dick.)" I said tears starting to form in my eyes "te rog poți să mă duci înapoi acasă?(please can you take me back home?)"

"Hey, hey don't cry you're safe here," Maddie said in a calm and sweet voice "can you tell me your name ?"

"Numele meu este Danielle. (My name is Danielle.)" I answered.

'Why does she keep asking me questions if she knows I can't speak English' I thought to myself. Maddie grabbed my hand and led me up some stairs and to a room. The room had a twin bed with little birds and little butterflies, a nightstand next to the bed, a desk against the far wall, and a closet a few feet away from the desk.

"This is your room, Danielle." Maddie said and picked me up and gave me a big hug "love you."

Maddie walked out my new room and down the hall and into another room with the man from earlier and he was wearing an orange jumpsuit.

"What's the little cutie's name, Mads," He asked Maddie while looking at me. I turned away from him and put my head in Maddie's shoulder.

"Jack, her name is Danielle." Maddie answered as she rubbed my back to calm me down because I had started shaking and whimpering.

"I-I-I w-wa-m-mea de căutare b-br-bro-frate (I-I-I w-wa-want m-my b-br-bro-brother)" I said as I started to cry.

"It's late, let's go to bed," Maddie said as she walked over to the bed "you can sleep with us for tonight, ok?" I nodded.

I fell asleep in her arms before she reach the bed.

- - - - Time Skip - - - -

The next morning I woke up to the smell of waffles. I quickly got up and ran down the narrow  hallway. I stopped and looked around and I wasn't at the Manor. I felt tears start to form in my eyes but I followed the smell of waffles to a set of stairs and towards the kitchen.

When I walked into the kitchen Maddie got up and walked over to me and gave me a hug "good morning, sweetie" she whispered in my ear. I looked behind her and saw the saw the man from last night, Jack, right? And I also saw a little girl about Dick's age and re- Jazz! 

"Jazz!" I yelled as I ran to her and gave her a big hug.

"Dani?" Jazz asked and I nodded and I hugged her tighter.

Jack and Maddie looked at us with a confused look on their faces.

"Mom, dad this is Dani, my new friend, Dick's little sister." Jazz told them.

Maddie looked over at a clock on a counter and said "Jazz, go get your stuff ready the truck should be here soon." I looked at Maddie confused.

"We're moving to Amity Park, next week," Maddie said.

"Dar ce despre și Dick tati? (But what about tati and Dick?)" I asked looking at Jazz hoping she understood what I said.

"We can come and visit them sometimes." She told me with hope in her eyes.

"Unde e un telefon? (Where's a phone?)" I asked as I looked around the kitchen.

I walked out of the kitchen and walked around the house looking for a phone. I walked back to the kitchen to eat the waffles they made for us. When I walked back in Jack and Maddie looked at me confused.

"Telefon? (Phone?)" I asked as I made a phone out of my hand.

"Oh, phone" Jazz said "she wants to use the phone." I nodded and smiled.


Word count 1192

Remember to stay whelmed and feel the aster, my little birdies 

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