chapter 5

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Dick's POV

It's been 2 months since I've seen my little sister. I miss Dani so much, she's the only blood family I have left and now she is gone. 

"Richard, is everything ok?" My teacher, Mr. Frank, asked me.

"Yeah, just thinking about my little sister, Dani" I answered, "I haven't seen her in 2 months." 

"How about we talk about it in the hall." He said and I nodded.

We walked into the hallway "do you know what happened to her?" Mr. Frank asked me and I shook my head no. "All I know is that she went missing 2 months ago." 

- - - - Flashback 2 months earlier - - - -

I woke up to the smell of Alfie's cooking. I walked out of my and walked to Dani's room to wake her up and she wasn't in her bed.

I walked downstairs and into the dining room and saw Alfie and dad but no Dani.

"Have you seen Dani?" I asked as I walked to the seat next to dad.

"No, she could be still be sleeping," Dad said to me.

"She's not I checked on my way here," I told him.

- - - Time Skip 2 weeks later - - -

I walked into the living room and saw dad on the couch watching T.V.

"If you have any information on this little girl," a reporter said as a picture of Dani appeared on the screen, "we ask you to call your local police station."

"I hope wherever she is, she's safe," I said causing dad to jump a little.

"How long have you been here?" Dad asked.

"I walked in when the report on Dani came on," I replied.

Dad got up and turned off the T.V. "Me too, Dickie. Me too."

- - - End of Flashback - - -

"Oh, Richard," he said to me as I started to cry "do you want me to tell a story?" I nodded.

"When I was about 10 or 11 my little sister, Kylie, went missing for a year before she was found in Star City."

"Dani was the only real family I have left and now she's gone," I told him as I started to cry "and I . . . really miss . . . her."

Mr. Frank pulled me into a hug and tried to calm me down but it didn't work. "Do you want me to call your dad?" he asked and I nodded. 

About a half - an hour later dad picked me up and took me home.

"Richard, what happened?" Dad asked me. "I was thinking about Dani, and Mr. Frank asked what was wrong. I told him about Dani going missing." I replied.

"Don't worry we'll find her, Dick," Dad told me. "Batman's even looking for her." I looked at him confused "Batman's even looking for her? I thought he only looked for bad guys like people who rob banks or someone or mugged someone."

"Yeah, he does but I'm a good friend of his," Dad told me. I looked him shocked "you are?" I asked and he nodded "has he found anything on where Dani is?" he shook his head "sadly, he has not."

- - - - Time Skip - - - - After Dinner - - - -

I was helping Alfie clean the dishes (I like helping Alfie) when dad called me from the study.

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