It's the day.

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Amanda's PoV
Finally, today I get to see David, Alesha but especially Simon. I haven't seen him for what feels like forever. I missed him so much and as soon as BGT ended we didn't really stay in contact. We are both extremely busy with other shows and let's not forget that he has his own family and so do I. I was packing my hand bag and time was dragging. Every second felt like an hour before my limo arrives. I didn't sleep well last night who am I kidding I didn't sleep at all because Simon called me and we talked all night. I poured my self a glass of wine the first hour of our lovely discussion about anything and everything, even though we would never admit it to eachother but that FaceTime call for hours on end is the best part of our day. We now call eachother more often and to be honest with you I don't know why but whenever something happens he is the first person I call. He always drops everything to talk to me and sometimes we just work in comfortable silence with that little acknowledgement of the fact that I am not alone. Anyway my makeup artist is a magician because she is the only one who can cover my black circles which represent the memory of previous night.
My limo comes and I jump excited, quickly calming down so my driver doesn't see me jumping around like a five year old. My driver knocks on my door
softly. I pretend not to hear him as I am busy going through my phone. He knocks again and I turn around smiling and walking towards the door. I open the door and hug him lightly. He isn't just a taxi driver. He is my good friend and and he has been my driver for 10+ years. He has seen my best and worst moments. He has held my hair when I was being sick and looking my worst. He carried me when I wasn't able to walk on my two feet.
"Ms Holden, you look stunning today, are you ready to go?" He said softly, how many times have I told him to call me Amanda.
" You always know how to make me smile Taylor, yes I am let's hurry, I don't want to be late." He smiled and opened the passenger seat. I climbed in and texted Simon.
Me- hey Si, I will be there in 45 xx
Simey💛- Mandy, I will be counting down every minute, everyone is waiting for you xx
I smile helplessly at the screen, Taylor gives me a glance and he knows who I am talking to, he knows everything. I fiddle with my fingers before replying.
Me-okay, I can't wait xx

I put my phone down and stare out of the window, it's so sunny, I pull my shades on and try to suppress my smile so Taylor wipes that grin of his face.
We are half way there, I know that because Simon rings me and tells me that 25 minutes had passed.
"Simon, don't worry I will be there, the traffic is awful today." I sigh and await for his reply.
"I know, it's just I don't want to go on red carpet without you." I can hear him trail off and mumble that sentence. I grin, it's rare that he says something so sweet.
"I know, I will be there soon, have a glass of water and wait for me." I go all serious, he can be such a child sometimes. What can I do about traffic. I sigh and wait for him to say something. Anything. I want to talk to him.
"Okay darling, what are you wearing ?" I giggle at his random questioning.
"You will have to wait and see, won't you ?" I tease him. I am not wearing anything fancy. Just a tight dress. My back is bare. It has a very large cut at the back, it makes me shiver but I haven't worn it anywhere.
"Entertain me babe." He laughs in his phone, I giggle back and smile, thank god he can't see me.
"I am wearing a dress, very pretty dress" I bite my lip awaiting for his response.
"Will I like it?" He questions.
" I would like to think so, I hope your hands are warm." He might think it's so random but I know that his hands will be all over my back. I hope that they are warm indeed.
There is a long pause before he makes any noise. " I am very intruiged Ms Holden." He goes all formal on me.
I suppress a smile. " I underestimated how formal you can be, Mr Cowell."
"You underestimate me quite often, Ms Holden."
" It's better to underestimate and be surprised, than overestimate and be disapointed, Mr Cowell"
"Not when it comes to me, never when it comes to me." He replies.
"I might have to check that, Mr Cowell, do you want to come and meet me." I end the call with a smile and wait for Taylor to open my door. I climb out and I am greeted by flashing cameras but Simon is nowhere to be seen. Yeah he doesn't have to walk the red carpet on his own, blah blah blah. Guess who is walking the red carpet on her own then. I mumble annoyed. Not noticing him approaching me. I finally see him and squeal in happiness. I have to try my best to stay calm and not jump in his arms because that wouldn't go down well with the hundreds of lenses pointing at me. I slowly walk up to him with my eyes full of tears which are threatening to spill, dare I blink once more.
I have finally reached my destination and his arms are ready to embrace my small figure, I close the space and bury my face in the croak of his neck. His hands are warm and as I told you so going behind my dress and massaging my sides. I missed it. I missed being touched by his hands. I missed him.
"Amanda, I missed you so much, you look so stunning and I love the dress." He whispers into my hair not letting me go. "Are my hands warm enough for you?" He chuckles and tickles my sides.
"They are perfect in any state, you know that." I kiss his neck lightly and let go.
"I didn't know you could smile so wide." I tease, and he tickles my sides once more. I am so ticklish it's unreal. He knows it and takes advantage of it.
Soon we are greeted by Alesha and David, Alesha looks stunning as usual. We say out hellos and hug. I missed my wifey so much. I lean to give her a big hug. Realising that Simons hand is still on my back attached like a glue. I smile at the thought and feel him pull me back to his side.
We make our way inside, Simon doesn't let go, not that I want him to. David and Alesha head to the elevator first. Me and Simon are tagging along at the back. Not usual for Simon to walk so slow. I am confused and worried.
"Are you okay Sim..." He cuts me off by pressing his lips on mine. He moves his lips and it tastes so sweet and minty. I kiss him back.
Doing so was my worst, best mistake ever.

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