Needy but greedy.

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Part one! You wait what happens on live shows! 😍x

Simon's PoV.
It's morning of the live shows, we had plenty of time off, and while I enjoy spending more time with Amanda, I miss BGT and I miss the thrill of the audience. We moved to a new space to film Britain's got talent due to high demand in tickets and low numbers of seatings, so this should be interesting to see how audience reaction will increase in power by thousands. Amanda has been staying at my house and we have been enjoying eachother, although I know Amanda wants to take it slow and keep it on the low, I think it will be hard not to show affection to her on the live shows.
I go downstairs to make breakfast, I am weirdly happy this morning, I make scrambled eggs and make Myself and Amanda tea. I finish up the breakfast and set it up on the dining table. Just in time I see Amanda coming down the stairs in one of my shirts which is so oversized on her but it looks cute, she smiles sweetly at the sight of breakfast and tea.
'What's gotten in to you, mr nice?' She laughs sitting down and taking a sip of the tea, humming with delight.
'What? A man can't be nice to his lady?' I laugh back sitting opposite her so I can look at her properly.
'His?' She blushed while asking that.
'Yes you're all mine!' I giggle and go over to her to give her a kiss. The kiss is sweet but short, almost too short for my liking. I go and get ready, my usual attire, shirt and trousers, I brush my teeth and walk back into the master room. Amanda is fast asleep on the bed, tea long amabdoned and breakfast half finished. I go up to her and kiss her forehead, she hums with delight and pulls me to her, I put my hand on the bed so I hover over her rather than squashing her. She starts kissing me and her hands start to unbutton my shirt.
'Amanda, what are you doing?' I hum between her agressive kisses.
'What does it look like I'm doing?' she smiles and pushes me over on my back, she climbs onto my lap, her shirt buttoned with two buttons three at best. I feel rather than see her lacy underwear.
'Amanda, please we will be late, what's gotten into you this morning?' I laugh at her, because to be honest I don't care about being late, I just don't understand what has gotten into her.
''Shut up, Simon. I want you.' She snaps
''right now please.'' she hums, and I look into her eyes, fully dialated. Her lips swollen from the kisses, her cheeks flushed, hair messed up, she looks serious.
''Manda, I want you too... but we will be late, and I know what you are like when we are late, so please go get ready, we haven't got much time.'' she stopped, I thought finally I have won the argument, she is going to get ready. She looks at me and grins.
''listen to me, I want you right now. I don't care whether we are going to late or not. So stop talking and start doing something.'' She says slowly and emphasises every word.
'' or you want me to pleasure you? Hmm is that what you want Cowell? '' I swallow, she is seriously doing this right now.
'' Manda come onnn, babe you'll be angry later because we will be late. '' I still try to reason with her.
'' depends how good you do, darling.'' she says and starts unbuckling my belt. It has been getting tighter and tighter with every word that comes out of that filthy mouth of hers. In no time she grabs me, and it makes me shiver. she's sexy when she's dominant.
I blank out while she does all the work, it's quite hard to describe what it feels like when her mouth is on me. It is pure ecstasy and it always overwhelms me what her mouth can do. I open my eyes to her kissing her way up my shoulders and my neck until she gets to my mouth and devours it.
'Please... Manda you, please.'' I can barely collect my words.
''Mmmm I want more Cowell, more of you.'' that made me swallow, swallow hard. suddenly she is on me, riding me, hard. It's rhythm, she's got it all. the room is filled with sweet moans, and our rapid breaths join in unison. I tried to hug her but she slowed down and took my finger in her mouth, licking it and twirling her tongue around it. I grab her neck, and our eyes lock. Her lips look so plump and delicious. she swallows and looks deep into my eyes.
'' finish me, finish in me, come on Cowell, baby do it for me. '' she builds her rhythm back up, faster this time, I really can't hold it any longer. She starts trembling, and her breathing becomes a loud moan, her undoing is my undoing. We stay like that for good 10 minutes just trying to catch our breaths. She opens her eyes and looks at me, deep in the eyes.
'' Can we stay here forever please, just like this. '' she moans, and giggles.
''Oh yes I would prefer that very much.'' I move my hips, and she closes her eyes.
'' what has gotten into you out of nowhere? What's with the sudden... ummm surprise?'' I hug her tight, we are so sticky, but I love it.
'' what do you mean? I just wanted you that's all, maybe a little bit too much. But I couldn't help it. I looked at you getting ready and I tried, Simon I tried. But I thought it's best I get it out of the way now rather than on the live shows.'' she starts mumbling the last part.
'Shhh. Baby, you're so sexy when you're needy. yeah we wouldn't want anything happening on the live shows now would we?'' I laugh.
'' Stop it Simon, you make me needy. You make me want you when I shouldn't want you.'' She shifts her hips, and I feel my self getting hard again, no woman has ever done that to me, I have never wanted someone as much as I want her right now, right when she's messy, needy, messed up, rough and so sexy. She moans when she feels me again.
'' Simon, mmmm we are going to be late. I have to get ready. '' she shifts and tries to move away from me.
'' oh no missy, you are not going anywhere.'' I turn her around, and begin a fast pace, enough to make her left needing. And wanting me more. Her head is in my neck biting kissing, holding on to something other than my back. I finish her with muffled screams, and sweet nothings that are inaudible to understand. We stay like that for what feels like hours just holding eachother right.
'Mandyyyy. Babe, please get ready we have only got two hours before live shows, and I don't know whether we will make it on time with all the traffic. you and I will be in big trouble if we don't show up on time Manda, you know that babe don't you?'' I whisper in her hair.
'' mmmm, I think I might need a shower, care to join me handsome, and I think you may need a change of clothing. '' she laughs and shifts a little bit beneath me. She wraps her legs around me and holds onto my shoulders.
'' you want me to carry you to a shower, you are a spoiled brat.'' I laugh at her and she smiles up at me.
'' come on Cowell, we will be late like you said, traffic and all. '' she giggles at me, so bossy.
We take a quick shower and she puts one of my shirts on, and calls for a car with makeup and dress to come.
'' can I come with you in the car babe? '' I whisper while she puts her hair up. She drops her hands and looks at me when she hears it.
'' Simon... please... just order your limo.'' She says rushing to go to the car which has just pulled up in my drive way. She rushes past me putting her heels on. She's about to leave the door when I grab her hand.
''Amanda, please. I know, just don't leave mad. '' I whisper, almost ashamed to be honest with her, to let my true feelings show.
'' Simon, you know there is nothing more I would want than to drive with you, and just take a nap on you. '' she says looking at her feet, rubbing my arms, to lace our fingers together,
'' I know, I'm sorry, give me a kiss before you go darling. " she looks up and wraps her fingers around my neck to pull me to her. We share a deep kiss, it's needy. She pulls away.
" I'll see you there handsome, button your buttons up, before you get to the lives." She grins and disappears.
I wait for my limo to arrive and drive to London, excited for live shows and what my naughty girl has in store for me.

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