One minute equals eterntity?

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Amanda's POV.
I finish my delicious latte, and think to my self that this is the best morning I have had in ages. He makes me truly happy, I haven't been happy for a long time so this is a change. He makes a very good caramel latte, brownie points from me. My mind drifts to the outside and even though we are both single-ish, the pressure of the public is making me nervous, how are they going to react? What will they say? Am I the next girl on his never ending list of 'women I slept with'? No. I have to stop thinking about it before I overthink and make something out of nothing as I tend to do quite often...
'Babe?' Simon says startling me out of my deep thought.
'Yes, sorry I was just thinking.' I say too rushed maybe. He stares at me unconvinced. He can read me like an open book.
'You alright?' He asks concerned moving closer to the edge of his bed, stroking me under my chin.
'Yes, yeah I'm fine, I just. It's just. How do you think the public will take this?' I don't know what to say, I know he doesn't care what the media writes, and that doesn't concern him one bit, I, however, am the complete opposite...
'It doesn't matter how they take it darling, it's just you and me and the children. Mandy, it's our life, not theirs. I want this with you!' The mention of children makes my heart fill with joy, but I'm still officially married, even though me and Chris haven't seen eachother for more than 5 years, the paper is still there. I can't believe he left me and the girls on our own, but we are better off without him. But Simon had Lauren and I don't want to be known as the slut, family wrecker, the other woman ect.
'Simon, even though me and Chris haven't seen eachother in five years, I am still married to him and you have Lauren, you have a little child with her, I can't be known as the family wrecker or the other woman.' I say and look at him sad but hopeful, impatient of his response.
' I know that you care about your reputation and this would ruin you, Amanda I have loved you for 10 years and only now as I have had those couple of days with you have I realised how much I want this with you and only you. I love my child more than anything but Lauren is just there for the money, I will end it with her.' He leans to kiss my forehead me I sigh.
'Until then I think we should be keeping our distance from eachother, I think we should wait a while before getting together.' I say ever so quiet because I don't want to wait and I'm sure nether does he. I regret saying that but we can't risk this. I don't want this to ruin us both.
'I understand, but you are worth all the wait, now come on let's get ready.' He kisses me and I grin, murmuring my thank you. He smiles at me with so much affection and admiration, I shift past him to the bathroom where I take my hour of peace and quiet for me to think. I think about everything that has happened between me and Simon, about the auditions, my girls, all while getting my makeup and hair ready. I step out of the bathroom and step inside his wardrobe where Christian delivered my outfits for the day; I love him. Simon is down stairs doing god knows what, so I take this moment to snoop around his room and I see pictures, of him and his mum... oh my... look.. there is one of us, right at the front next to his mum, that is so sweet. I take it and grin at it with nothing but pure joy painted on my features. I put it down carefully and go to pick a dress and this time I picked the short black and white dress to go with my black heels. I put my heels on and make my way down stairs where Simon is waiting ready.
'Babe? You read...' he stops as he sees me approaching him. He stares at me in awe and I wonder if this is what love looks like.
'Yes, Si, I'm ready.' I gigggle blushing slightly but that isn't evident above my makeup.
' you look, wow... you are stunning darlin'' he is lost for words and stands there gawking at me as if I'm some work of art.
'Are you just going to stand there gawking?' I bite my lip teasing him.
'Yes.' It's simple but means an awful lot. It almost makes me feel embarrassed and slightly flushed. I suppress my smile and take my phone.
'Come on, Simon.' I say laughing, I nudge his shoulder to stand up and I suddenly feel small again, I kind of like it though, only with him I can feel small and vulnerable but feel protected at the same time.
'I'm coming, Mandy, limo is here, but wouldn't people grow suspicious if we stepped out of the same limo?' He says almost sad that he will be driving on his own. I sigh.
'Yeah, well I am always on time, and you always tend to arrive late. So let me take this limo and you call for another?' I suggest, rubbing his arm, I must admit I really like his arms. They are so strong and tanned. Off the topic Amanda... I await for his reply and see him make a puppy face.
'Simon, we will see eachother on the red carpet, in less than half an hour.' I try to convince him that we will see eachother in a few, or am I trying to convince myself? I don't know.
'What if I can't stay away from you for more than ten minutes?' He smirks and pulls me to him squeezing my bum, and breathing on my neck making that tingly feeling between my thighs grow stronger and more impatient, how does he do this to me? I want him right now on the dining table. No. Auditions. We are going to be late.
'Simon, I am going to be late, stop itt... please' I giggle and let out a muted moan so he doesn't suspect how ready I am.
'Okay babe, see you in half an hour then.' He kisses my nose and leans down to capture my lips in a passionate kiss, before our tongues get into a heated battle where there can only be one winner, I pull back. And kiss him once more before heading out to the door. I reach the door handle and he slaps my bum, I smirk before deciding to give him something to think about while I'm gone.
'You have no idea how wet I am right now.' I leave and make my way to the limo, taking my last glance back at the house where he is stood there with his mouth slightly parted. I get into a limo and call Simon. He picks up almost instantly.
'You are going to pay for that in your dressing room on a break.' He simply states,mmm.
'Intrigued, maybe you will be the one loosing control?' I tease him and expect nothing less in return.
'Not this time I won't darling, all the pleasure will be mine.' He says and I moan rubbing my thighs rather hard against eachother.
'Anyway I am in a limo, so I will see you in 5 minutes.' Simon states quickly changing the subject.
'Alright I'm stepping out right now, I'll see you soon honey.' I hang up and step out on the red carpet where I'm greeted by Alesha and David.
'You look different, rather happy and bit later than usual.' Alesha states smirking and hugging me, I hug back and we both smile for the cameras.
'I have just had a good couple of days, and excited to do the auditions again' I smile and see a limo pull up, tingly feeling I back, I scold at my inner goddess, not now. I seem to loose all my self control when it comes to Simon.
'He's early!?' David states, and laughs as it's unusual for Simon to be so early.
'Hello to you too David!' Simon states and embraces him in a quick hug before turning to Alesha.
'Simon you seem in a very happy mood too.' He gives her a quick hug and laughs before replying.
'Oh, I just met with a couple of my old friends and had a blast.' He explains and Alesha turns to the cameras but turns her head to look at us. Simon embraces me in a tight hug.
'Did you miss me?' I whisper in his shirt inhaling his scent.
'Yes, twenty minutes is way too long, you are still not off the hook for earlier, you naughty girl...' he whispers in my neck making me giggle letting him go and me and Simon pause for a couple of minutes to take some pictures, we both look extremely happy. Maybe we should tone it down before we blind someone with our bright smiles. We take a couple of pictures of all four of us and Simon keeps moving his hand up and down my back making me shiver. I give him my warming look and he just winks at me. We head inside and I make my way to my dressing room as I need to do some makeup touchups before we go live. Simon quickly follows me, and I know what he wants, but we only have ten minutes before we go live. I kiss him and he squeezes my bum, winking and walking to his dressing room.
I unlock the door and there is a man sat in my makeup chair, I want to say something but my mouth feels dry and I quickly lock my door before anyone else sees him. I swallow hard before speaking...
hahaha😘 I'm horrible, here is another cliff hanger, I am sorry I haven't updated in ages, year 11 can only described as Stress STRESS and more stress... but I hope to update soon, this is a light chapter before the big DEAL, keep ya 👀 peeled for the update 🥀
As ever I hope you have enjoyed reading this chapter, as much as I did writing it♥️
If anyone spots the fifty shades darker reference then 🍪 points for you 😘xx I am a fan I must say x
Lots of love LIAXX

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