❤Love at first sight❤

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One day you woke up and you eat breakfast and shit but then your friend y/f/n/ calls you she asked " What are you doing today i'm planning on having a party you wanna come." You said "cool sounds awesome I be there at 6. "         At the party               

You got drunk and you fell to the floor ( sorry if you don't drink  but I don't drink in irl)  you wanted to go home but your friends begged you to stay  you said "No!" And ended up pushing your friends  you had anger management when you were drunk so then you left and drove so fast you went home but you were also crazy when you were drunk so you called your friend and said "s-sorry for p-p-pushing you wanna come and make up?" She was suspicious cause of how stupid you sounded but she said "sure" since she thought it was because you were drunk so she came and you had a knife in your pocket and in the front door you gave her a devilish smile but she thought it was funny so then you said "Bring it here" so you two hugged and you brought out the knife and stabbed her in the back  she yelled In pain you laughed insanely  but you were still upset that you killed your friend so you had some sane in you. After that you left the body there like an idiot ( sorry your not an idiot.) And you fell right to sleep not even bothered to wash your bloody hand there were sirans and soon the cops came and arrested you.            

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