The sparks!

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            Ricks P.O.V
She looked away was she blushing?? No never mind about that. "Ok I'm gonna take you out of your cell can you give me a huge favor and don't kill anyone please so you can get out sooner after the mission."    "sure but if anyone pisses me off its there fault for losing there life Ok?" She said "Hmm yeah that's gonna be 4 year's more if you do so I suggest not to and calm yourself if they do ok sweetheart?" She nodded in response she looked down OMG  its so  hard trying to not kiss her she is so cute but vulnerable i just want to kiss her I don't know who wouldn't want to i mean like look at her she drives me nuts!

Your P.O.V

SweatheartHe called me sweetheart? He is cute but I'm an inmate he wouldn't want a girl who already  f up her life he's a soldier well maybe different people can attract each other hopefully that's true he took me out of my cell i just said hi boys and they pointed guns at me WHY?!?! well except rick  i am not that dangerous i don't have powers  well this sucks rick sent me outside with the others i see a guy i heard his name get called  deadshot so i say "hi deadshot my name is y/n." and he said  "hi nice to meet you" harley soon joined in and said "Hi again! Your the girl next to my cage  i know her she told deadshot!"  " yeah that's great harley" deadshot said after ricks speech we went in the clothes we had before we got arrested in (this is how your clothes looked like you can pick one)

So you changed into one you took off your jail shirt the same with harley guys cat called you two then you both put your shirts and looked around and everyone was looking at you and harley "What???" Both of you said at the same time then you both ...

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So you changed into one you took off your jail shirt the same with harley guys cat called you two then you both put your shirts and looked around and everyone was looking at you and harley "What???" Both of you said at the same time then you both put the rest of your clothes on and harley did your hair the same as hers with pigtails you liked it.

Ricks P.O.V 

She took of her clothes in front of everyone!!! I cant believe it i you cant believe how hard I'm blushing she looked so sexy i looked down at my pants there was a bump ( if you know what I'm talking about a wink wink 😱😨😳😂😉😉😏😏) I hid it with my gun so no one will notice "come on get it together soldier" I whispered

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